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Please, do not hamper a young bird's life by picking it up, and taking it home with you. It is calling its parents to help them in locating it.
After fledgling from the nest, the parent birds will keep feeding it, and look out for it, until it will be able to look after itself.
And the reason you cannot see a parent is because of your own proxomity to the young bird. And while you are ebating if or not you should take the bird home, you keep the parent from giving it well needed nutrition in the form of a meal!


The photos on this blog are all taken by me. If there is any picture you might want to use for any other than personal use, please drop me a line to the email address shown in the sidebar on the right.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo
There was not much wildlife to see, so I focussed on these pictures instead.
A few years ago, Cork county council built a walkway from the harbour in Bantry town, to Newtown, a newer part of the town. It passes around the headland at the beach, further eastwards. The last bit, where it should connect to the council estate in Newtown, is still not finished, but it is used quite a lot already. In this climate of healthy living and fears of an obese nation, creating more interesting (dog) walks. The other plan was to connect Bantry harbour with the Bantry airstrip, about 1/2 mile from the Abbey at Bantry's cemetry. This walkway was started but itdoes just hug the corner, where they built a new slipway. I understood that there are disagreements with the landowner(s) of the land in-between. Whenever I am in respite in Bantry, I often go to the airstrip, to brave the strong winds in the hope of spotting those animals which like it there. I just pray that one day these walkways can be finished. I'm a bit sick of having to turn around when I cannot go any further.

Anyway, here's just a few pictures from the Abbey.

View over to Harbour View from the Abbey.

Harbour View.
We first lived in the white building on the right, (middle floor, 2 windows on the right) with Earthwatch on the ground floor, in those days. We also lived in the last (tall) building on the left, (groundfloor-2 windows on the right, which you cannot see) This used to be Hotel Terminus. The name came from the railway terminal which was at the pier about 200 metre from the Hotel. The low building is now a hostel.
There are still bits visible from the old terminal, The bottle banks are now housed among these old walls. It is a bit of a dead zone of the town.

These are taken at Lough Hyne, near Skibbereen, Lough Hyne is Europe's 1st marine nature reserve.
It is sad to know that it is also Ireland's only Marine nature reserve.

Herb Robert, Geranium robertianum.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just a few garden birds..

Hooded Crows, Corvus cornix The Irish Grey Crow against a very grey sky!

I spent a lovely few days in respite again, and at halloween Francis and I will celebrate our 30th anniversary with a weekend in Bantry. (Lack of accessible Transport, and my chronic pains during transport means that we are very much restricted to Bantry)

These Chaffs were singing loudly, outside my door, when I was in respite.
male Chaffinch, in a garden in Bantry.

And the female..

As was the Robin, Erathicus rubecula
the Great Tit, Parus major

Then returning home, more Chaffinches catch my eye.

Pied Wagtail, Motacilla alba
Immature bird I think, there is still bits of yellow around the head.
You can see this better in this photo of the Wagger

Jackdaw, Corvus monedula
Behind the bird and the fence, you can still see the red haws in the Hawthorn behind us.

Yesterday when I went out into the garden for a break, the sky was very grey, but a rainbow tried livening it up visually, while these two Corvids made a similar attempt, albeit vocally.

Collared Dove, Streptopelia decaocto
One of the Doves has been checking out the garden again, after they have been out in the fields to breed. I was happy to see him/her back, but I was not allowed a picture. So

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

House Sparrow fence.

Female House Sparrow, Passer domesticus

Female House Sparrow?
There were five birds chittering in a tree in front of the house. I didn't recognise the calls; yet I have a feeling that they might have been Hse. Sparrows.
What do you think?

At the other side of the council estate, a few House Sparrows were posing among the last flowers at the side of the factory.

This picture made me feel as if I'm in my grandmother's house again; those pictures on the wall in the kitchen.

Female House Sparrow, Passer domesticus.

And a male House Sparrow.

While this Female Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs, visited the garden in the morning, before I left for Bantry.

This Great Tit, Parus major, also came for a bit of breakfast.

The Pied Wagtails have ben about the house/garden for some weeks now; they will spend the winter hereabouts (mostly) in the cold months to come. As will the Corvids (Jackdaws, Corvus monedula; Rooks, Corvus frugilegus; Hooded Crows, Corvus cornix, and Magpies. Pica pica.)
The Corvids have been here all year but getting photos of such nervous birds is not that easy!

Monday, October 18, 2010

A winter visiter and a rush for food

Meadow Pipit, Anthus pratensis
Usually I'd see my Meadow Pipit in the winter when the weather is really cold. Yesterday it was cold, and the Meadow Pipit must have had difficulty finding "natural food" out there. So, it chose to come here, as did other little birds.
It was a real surprise to find it here yet in October.

Female Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs
This lady has been here daily, and one of my favourite characters.

Great Tit, Parus major.
The Great Tits are very resourceful, and started pecking into the wood, as they did when the planter was still in its upright position.

Blue Tit, Parus caeruleus
There were 3 of them; And they looked everywhere around the old planter too. I've left it all. There could be bugs hidden in the wood or in the soil even, (?) and I'm sure they will find it one day.

This is where the Wrens usually look for their grub, but cold and hunger gets the creativity going in other birds too.

Perhaps more here?

I still see Insects outside, (OK, I do live in the SW of the country!) so I'm hoping they do find them too.

Last week, while I spent a few days in Bantry, Francis started drilling in to the wood, inside the metal pole, as a start for the new diner for the birds. Somehow, however, something went wrong and the reaction into his back means that he can hardly get up/walk/ or lift anything.

(see the 1st Blue Tit picture-it is sitting on the pole. And on this picture of one of the Great Tits)

One of the Collared Doves came to check us out again, the other day; building up a roster and mental list of diners, in preparation for winter.

Male Chaffinch, Fringilla coelebs.
He stays rather to the ground, to see what has fallen down. And what it is hidden among the debris.
Meadow Pipit, Anthus pratensis.
Its Irish name, Riabhog mhona, calls it the Cuckoo's nursemaid. Showing that the Meadow Pipit is the preferred foster mum for Cuckoo jnr. (I'd love to know the Irish name-including translation-of the Reed Warbler. Can you tell me this?)
You see I never studied Irish because there weren't really enough people around to converse with. So there would be no sense in doing so.)

Dunnock, Prunella modularis

Hungry Robin, Erithacus rubecula.

The house Sparrows, Passer domesticus, came for a bit of food too.

Until the Rooks came to greet the school kids fresh out from class, at the other side of the fence, and crisps and sandwiches needed investigating.

"That time already? OK, lads, let's crossover to the other side for a bit of salt and vinegar."