- More Aeronef. I've got a few more ships to paint up and I need to build some terrain, all for a club game mid-year.
- Aliens and Colonial Marines. I ordered a pile of both from Wargames in their QRF clearance, and I have some paper terrain files from Ebbles Minis that I can scale to 15mm and build up. This will be run with THW's 5150 rules.
- Star Wars. I've got a pile of SWMB figures I picked up last year, and I have a notion to run a Crossfire game with them.
- Victorian Colonial Mars. This is a long fourth, and will likely end up a 2010 project instead (or even later). I've got some vague ideas for using TSaTF for British vs native battles on the Red Planet, but I haven't even decided what scale to use yet.
There. Now that I've divulged my plans, I'm sure that I'll end up getting none of this done and doing something completely unrelated.