This was inspired by Gandalf's hat in The Lord of the Rings. Our whole family has an obsession with those movies (and books). My daughter was so excited when I told her I was going to make the hat. Now that the hat is done I think my husband has laid claim to it haha. I had a little trouble with the brim. I'll admit I just got lazy towards the end because the whole thing is single crochet and I just wanted to be done with it lol. I finished it and the brim bugged me so bad I ripped it out and re did it. Now I'm much happier with it ;D LOL lesson learned just do it right the 1st time so you don't end up with double the work later ;)
If you can't see the pictures right click on them and select view image.
If anyone is interested I have the pattern for sale in my
Etsy Shop for $3
What do you think?
I also re-designed my blog. What do you think?