About the Journal
Ars Mathematica Contemporanea (AMC) is a diamond (platinum) open access journal in which neither the authors nor the readers incur any costs. Since 2025, the journal is available in electronic format only. (Until 2025, it was published in both print and electronic formats.)
The aim of AMC is to publish peer-reviewed high-quality articles in contemporary mathematics that arise from the discrete and concrete mathematics paradigm. It favors themes that combine at least two different fields of mathematics. In particular, papers intersecting discrete mathematics with other branches of mathematics, such as algebra, geometry, topology, theoretical computer science, and combinatorics, are most welcome.
Current Issue
Owned by the University of Primorska and published by the University of Primorska Press.
Printed edition ISSN 1855-3966
Electronic edition ISSN 1855-3974
Covered by
- MathSciNet (indexed cover-to-cover)
- zbMATH (formerly Zentralblatt MATH)
- Science Citation Index-Expanded (SCIE)
- Web of Science
- ISI Alerting Service
- Current Contents/Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (CC/PC & ES)
- dblp computer science bibliography (indexed cover-to-cover)
- dLib.si (Digital Library of Slovenia)
- Directory of Open Access Journals
The publication is partially supported by the Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency from the Call for co-financing of scientific periodical publications.
The journal 'Ars Mathematica Contemporanea' adheres to the EMS Code of Practice.
Its online version is "diamond open access", with no cost to authors and readers, while its printed version is available for subscription.
In particular, the Editors-in-Chief have full oversight of the content of the journal, including special issues that are edited by guest editors, editorials, announcements, etc.
Each contribution is first assessed by the Editors-in-Chief, or by an expert assessor assigned by the Editors-in-Chief.
The Editors-in-Chief may decline a contribution if
- its contents have little or no scientific value, or
- the contribution does not lie within the scope of the journal, or
- it would increase the journal's backlog by an unreasonable time.
In some cases (with regard to the scope or the backlog), the Editors-in-Chief may recommend submission to a sibling journal: either 'Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics' or 'Discrete Mathematical Chemistry'.
The Editors-in-Chief attempt to make each article available online as soon it is accepted for publication, but reserve the right to determine the order of published articles (either within an issue, or between issues), in a way that best reflects the journal's editorial policy and maintains the diversity of topics covered by the journal.
Each contribution that enters the evaluation process is subject to full peer review by one or more reviewers. The evaluation process is supervised by a member of the Editorial Board whose research experience is closest to the topic of the contribution. Every precaution is taken to avoid conflicts of interest.
The Editors-in-Chief maintain oversight throughout the editorial process, including the acceptance/rejection of a paper. Also, the Editors-in-Chief reserve the right to decline a submission or even retract an accepted or published submission if scientific or ethical misconduct is discovered.
Slovenian public media registry number: 1814
- UDK: 51
- Vpisna številka v razvidu medijev:1814