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Showing posts with label workout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workout. Show all posts

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Workout Gear - Jalie 3245 & more Fehr Trade VNA and Duathlons

I'm pretty much wearing all handmade activewear these days and have made quite a few pieces in the last few months.  I still need more so I will just do a roundup every now and then.  I have to say making  workout gear is actually so much easier and cheaper than buying it (at least here in Hong Kong), not always the case when you make your own clothes.  That isn't necessarily my motivation, but it is a nice bonus!

I've made a few pairs of Fehr Trade Duathlon capris, some with minor variations on the pattern.  Also a few more VNA tops, all lengthened by around 2 inches following the instructions in the pattern to a length I prefer on me.  I've started making them as sets, I don't always wear them this way, but it does make packing the gym bag much easier if I do.  Here are a couple of example sets:

Black & Lilac Set
The VNA top is black with a tiny print of lilac stars and I used plain lilac for the neck and arm bindings.

I modified the duathlon capris to 3/4 length (somewhere between capri and legging length) and redrew the contrast strip and lower legs so that the contrast wraps around.  The lilac contrast is a lighter weight than the main legging fabric so before finishing the waistband and hem I overlaid a piece of powermesh on the inside which is held in place by zig zag topstitching on the outside.

Coral & Mesh Set
This was a fun print to use on the VNA top mixed with a plain black lower bodice.  The duathlon leggings, again 3/4 length, have a piece of powermesh inserted on the lower contrast band.  I moved the contrast band seam down so that the transparent mesh part is only below the knee.

Finally, inspired by Two On Two Off's million versions of Jalie 3245, I purchased the PDF pattern and made View C, the sleeveless tank in a very bright coral fabric.  I made size V based on my measurements which fell somewhere between a U & V and am really happy with this first version.

I will be making the sleeved versions for everyday wear too, although I will probably raise the neckline a little.  The instructions are great and it is very easy to put together.  The binding treatment is interesting, it is wrapped to the outside of the top, turned under and zig zagged in place.  Even with my slightly wobbly topstitching it makes for a nice finish.  The only thing I did differently was to shorten the hem allowance from 2cm to 1cm - the hem is quite curved and I found it difficult to turn in that much without getting pleats.  It looks really wobbly in the dressform photos above, but that's just the way it is draping, it came out alright in real life!

I'm wearing it here with a plain pair of navy leggings that I also made from the Duathlon pattern, but I eliminated the side contrast band and just added the width back to the side seams.  I know there are many plain leggings patterns out there that I could have used instead, but I know that these fit me so it was easier to just modify my existing pattern.

Friday, 1 August 2014

Fehr Trade XYT Workout Tops

It's interesting that several of you commented that you had real problems fitting the Kay Unger Vogue dress from my last post, I assume in the bust area - perhaps it only works easily on certain body types?  Maybe stretch fabric really helped me?  I am certainly no master at fitting and am from the fit as you go school although I have learnt over the years when to add extra at deep necklines, surplice bodices and the hips on pretty much anything.  I only ever do a muslin if I am using some precious fabric or trying out a style that I am unsure of - usually some mad Burda creation that I get strangely drawn to!

As part of my goal of making my own workout clothes, I also picked up this Fehr Trade XYT workout top pattern which comes with a built in power mesh bra layer and 3 back variations.

Fehr Trade XYT

I have never had much luck with tops with built in bras in RTW, being a brasize 34d, they are ok for loungewear, but I wouldn't dream of doing anything remotely active in them.  The pattern instructions do say that it is designed for an A or B cup and that if you are larger you can either do an FBA on the mesh pieces or leave them out altogether and just wear a regular sports bra underneath.  I might go back and experiment one day because I really should be able to get a better result making my own than RTW, but for this go round I went with the latter option.  (Coincidentally since drafting this, a post on common XYT adjustments has just gone up on Fehr Trade  - see here for more details).  

I made 3 versions of the X back, but modified it to fill in the cutout at the centre back (so it would cover my sports bras although I just bought some in funky colours and I like the layered look I see on other people so next time I may try the other styles).  In fact on 2 of them I joined the upper and lower back together since I wasn't using a contrast or the mesh layer, overlapping the seam allowances and cut them as one piece.  So that's another variation you could do.  

Front view
Back view

Binding made from plain black lycra fabric
I played around with different edge finishes as well and used fabric binding instead of elastic as I liked the look so much on the VNA top - I wasn't very smart about this on the first go round (the polka dot one) and should have trimmed off the seam allowance on the neck and armscye first, so my shoulder straps are wider and my neckline higher than they are supposed to be.  As I say this is all a learning process!

These colours are actually navy/white & grey, love these fabrics together and will probably put them together for a VNA top
I added a couple of inches at the hem for a bit more coverage.  I used size M which is not as close fitting as the tops on the pattern envelope, but since I intend to wear them with a sports bra and I don't want it too tight fitting this is ideal for now.

Hmm will wear this with a different sports bra next time!
As with the VNA top, the instructions are really good and this top goes together fast, especially without the mesh layer.  It doesn't use much fabric, actually it will be great for using up leftovers and thinking of fun fabric combinations.  

Friday, 4 July 2014

Fehr Trade VNA Workout Top & Duathlon Shorts

I have been meaning to make my own workout clothes for a few years now so when Melissa at Fehr Trade started producing activewear patterns I took it as a sign to finally get round to doing it rather than just thinking about it.  It's still taken a while, but I am finally off the starting blocks!

This was also my first foray into the world of pdf patterns and although I was a bit daunted by the prospect of printing and taping it was really very painless and I love the instant gratification of hitting the order button and having the pattern immediately rather than waiting 2 weeks for it to arrive in Hong Kong.  I suppose it helps that the pattern pieces for clothes like this are quite small, I might feel differently about a huge ballgown.  My tip is to only cut the right hand border off each page, tape the first row together overlapping the edges, then trim off the whole bottom edge, repeat for each row then tape the rows together. Maybe everyone already does this, but I had it in my head before printing that I would need to trim off all the borders off all the pages (=boring!).

For my first attempt, I just worked with some fabrics I had in my stash to get a feel for the sizing.  My measurements put me as a medium so that is what I made with no adjustments.  Argh this is scary, major kudos to those of you who regularly post workout and swimwear photos!


Inspired by a Vionnet design this top has 3 main pieces plus bindings and is a great way to use up small pieces of fabrics and create lots of different and fun combinations. I've just used 2 colours here, the purple was a bit flimsy so I underlined that piece with some of the black fabric.

I am really happy with how this turned out, the drafting is spot on and the instructions are very clear and give a great result thanks to clever techniques in applying the binding strips. Even on this first version my bindings look quite professional and I know they will get better.   The only problem on this version is that I stitched the side seams so that the underarm bindings are a continuation of the side seams whereas they are supposed to cross over, mine would not meet perfectly and frankly I was too impatient to try it on so I went with my method.  This is due to slightly sloppy sewing on my part and not the pattern, it doesn't make the top any less wearable, but the original way is more in keeping with the design - I'll get it right next time.  And there will be many next times!

Duathlon Shorts

This shorts pattern comes in 3 lengths with optional padding for the cyclists out there.  (I recently tried spinning classes, man it is such a relief when the instructor tells you to stand up on your pedals!).  These were even more of a sizing experiment, my fabric is a bit shinier than I would usually choose to wear on my bottom half.

I made a straight medium in the Capri length and am thrilled with the fit, the legs could be a bit tighter round the knees, but that can easily be adjusted. The pocket design in the side contrast is devilishly simple and clever and provides opportunity for adding 1 or 2 contrast colours.  Again the instructions are really clear and provide a great looking finish. I want to get some less spandexy shiny fabric to make these up again.

Happily this experiment also coincided with Maria the Velosewer's visit to Hong Kong, Maria makes a lot of workout clothing, you can see her stuff on her blog, so I was hoping to pick up some tips whilst we toured the garment district together.  And I did, especially with finding and choosing fabrics (e.g. I would never have thought to use a panel print, but it's perfect, the 2 different fabrics match perfectly) so now I have a whole stack to play with which cost less than 1 RTW outfit.  My magpie tendencies came out again and I went even crazier with prints than usual which is going to be quite a change from my usual head to toe black gym outfits that I am bored to bits of although I may still be waist to toe black for a bit - baby steps people!

It's been said so many times after meet ups like these that it is almost a cliche, but it is always so good meeting up with people who love to sew and even though you only know each other through the internet there is an instant connection and it feels like you have known each other for years.  We picked a sweltering day to meet and shop so it was quite the workout, appropriately enough, especially with the added "handweights" I accumulated!

Thank you Maria, I had a brilliant afternoon and hope you will be back!