Successful evaluation of the journal Acta Historiae Medicinae in the ICI...
We are pleased to announce that our journal, Acta Historiae Medicinae, has passed the evaluation process positively and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List...
Uspešna evaluacija časopisa Acta Historiae Medicinae u ICI Journals Master List...
Zadovoljstvo nam je da izvestimo da je naš časopis, Acta Historiae Medicinae, uspešno prošao evaluaciju na ICI Journals Master Listi, kao i da je indeksiran...
Postepidemiological stress: Historical and medical dilemmas
Postepidemiological stress: Historical and medical dilemmas
Successful evaluation of the journal Acta Historiae Medicinae in the ICI...
We are pleased to announce that our journal, Acta Historiae Medicinae, has passed the evaluation process positively and is indexed in the ICI Journals Master List...
Uspešna evaluacija časopisa Acta Historiae Medicinae u ICI Journals Master List...
Zadovoljstvo nam je da izvestimo da je naš časopis, Acta Historiae Medicinae, uspešno prošao evaluaciju na ICI Journals Master Listi, kao i da je indeksiran...
Postepidemiological stress: Historical and medical dilemmas
Postepidemiological stress: Historical and medical dilemmas