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It´s that time of the year again.  Yoko Ono has visited and turned on the light of the Peace Tower in Viðey.

Here you can see Viðey at night without the Peace Tower light on.

Today is the birthday of my DS, he is 25yrs. 

You can always rely on him, he is funny, thoughtful, kind, creative and a wonderful son, although his life hasn´t always been the best to him he is not bitter. I love him so much for being who he is. Today we will be celebrating and having the extended family over for a soup and cake.

Nothing about quilting in this post, I will be here soon again and then I will share some photos of a quilt that I finished a few months ago.



It´s autumn once again, how time flies.  Since I last blogged I have become richer, I got a grandson last December, and of course he is the cutest boy on earth, you grannys out there know what I mean.
Here he is:

And here are two bags and a quilt that I made for him:

I end my blog as usual with pictures from siggiig :)



I am on a summer vacation now, off from work for 4 weeks, hurray, hurray...
On June the 15th my little princess got a baby sister and of course I had to make a quilt and a bag.

That is all I have done this summer :(  My goal for the next months is to work on UFO´s, as many of you  out there are doing. I do hope I will be able to do that.

We have had about two weeks of very good weather but the forecast says it will be a few rainy days here this week so we are planning a trip to the North-east side of the country for a few days :)

Now the main road around Iceland is broken since Friday when one of the rivers from Mýrdalsjökull flooded and the bridge just sailed down the river. The scientists have not yet figured out wether it was an eruption or what under the glacier that caused the flood.  I hope that there won´t be an eruption for the next few years!

At last I would like to show you pictures taken by siggiig from around Landmannalaugar which is a beautiful place in the highlands, just open during summer.



I think spring is here at least the part of it that came in an envelope from the Netherlands :) See what I got from Simone, isn´t she a gem sending this to me!

I guess things go faster when you have help with the sewing.

Sorry I couldn´t keep my eyes open :(

So with all that help I have a flimsy, it was windy when I took the picture so it wouldn´t lay flat on the grass.

 At last I have a few pictures of Ravens taken by siggiig. I have always liked them although we have many stories of them to frighten little children and also that they eat sheeps and lambs if they have the opportunity. We also have a lot of old folk songs about Ravens.  My mother used to give them food at wintertime. It is said that every autumn they gather together to decide where each pair of them is going to stay during wintertime, because they can´t all be at the same place as there wouldn´t be enough food for them.  Our first settler that came sailing from Norway had three Ravens with him, he let them loose one by one, the first flew back, the second just flew up, but the third flew in the direction to what is now known as Iceland :) Óðinn, an old "god" in the heathen religion, Ásatrú, had two ravens named Huginn and Muninn. Do you have similar stories or songs about them?


I´m alive :)

Just wanted to let you know I am alive :)  I have been busy sewing and I almost have a flimsy to show you.
Can you please find the summer for me.  These pictures were taken yesterday morning!

And this one early this morning.

This one was taken a few days ago, it is one of our summer birds called Lóa when it arrives from the southern hemisphere in April we believe the spring is here.  I hope they will find their nests again and that no eggs were being laid as now we have about 15cm of snow covering everything.
This is another of our summer birds called Hrossagaukur, I love the sound that it makes with it´s wing/tail while flying. 
All these pictures were taken by my friend siggiig, he has much more on his flickr


What I am doing

This is where I spent the weekend with my family, we were 15 and had two cabins. We had so much fun although the weather was very bad on Saturday, windy, cold and snow/rain.
This is the other one.
Here you can see my DS relaxing and talking on the phone.

In my last post I showed you the fabric I was cutting, now I have put together 12 blocks of the 41 that I need. I love how it looks, these fabrics are just gorgeous.
We have had snow the last few days. Here are a few pictures that a friend of me and my DH took, I got his permission to post them here.  He takes beautiful pictures.
This one is taken just outside Reykjavík.
                                           © siggiig
 This one is taken not far from my home, I drive there every morning when I go to work and of course again when I come home from work.
                                          © siggiig 
Same place, picture taken on New Years Eve.
                                          © siggiig
 This is the mountain that is North from Reykjavík, named Esja.
                                           © siggiig
And last but not least, our Northern Lights.
                                           © siggiig 
Here you can see more of his pictures.

 I am slowly catching up reading your posts. It is a lot of work to catch up reading 10 months of posts but I am enjoying it so much. Please be patient, I will finish reading in the next few weeks :)


Thank you

Thank you so much for your kind words and welcoming me back, you are the best.

I have been cutting fabrics for a quilt for my DD.  All the fabrics are from the best quilt shop in the world Fibre Junction the shop owner my dear Carole :) picked the fabric after I had given instruction on what colors to use.
Don´t you think these fabrics are gorgeous?
So next step is to start sewing the blocks together, I am excited to begin and see how it will look. The quilt will measure 102x102"
Last week I made this little bag from a book by Anne-Pia Godske Rasmussen
I love her design and have a few of her books.

Here are four pictures I took last summer on our travel in the North-East part of Iceland, one is taken to the South, one to the East, one to the West and one to the North. It looks like desert doesn´t it.

It is good to be back.