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03 januar 2016

Arne Guttormson and Karen Michaelsdaughter Langerud

Today I discovered that I am fourth cousin to my father, Ola-Martin Einarson.  That is kind of strange.
But it is stranger that my father is second cousin to his father, Einar Karlotson.
And my Grandmother Mimi Martinsdaughter is first cousin with my Grandfathers mother, Anne Marie Embretsdaughter.

It started June the 12. in 1819 in Langerud, Hof i Solør. My Great Great Grandfather Arne Guttormsen was born,
Hedmark fylke, Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 5 (1816-1822), Fødte og døpte 1819, side 88-89. 

Arne met a girl named Karn Mikkalsdaughter, born September the 6 in 1823 and she is my Great Great Grandmother.
Hedmark fylke, Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 6 (1822-1841), Fødte og døpte 1823, side 48-49.

They married in 1855 I think and they got five children together.  I know that they both had children with others.  Common those days...?
Hedmark fylke, Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 8 (1849-1861), Ekteviede 1855, side 176.

This link show thar Arne married a girl named Anne Marie Tørrisdaughter and her father is Mickal something.  The Priest must have written a wrong name in the book...I think that was common too!

Their first child together was Maria Arnesdaughter, my Great Grandmother.  She was born May the second in 1852.  She was born out of wedlock.
Hedmark fylke, Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 8 (1849-1861), Fødte og døpte 1852, side 29.

Maria married Embret Tørrison from Berget in Hof in Solør. His parents were Tørris and Eli, married in July 1836,
Hedmark fylke, Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 6 (1822-1841), Ekteviede 1836, side 1004-1005. 

Embret was born in June 1850
Hedmark fylke, Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 8 (1849-1861), Fødte og døpte 1850, side 13.

Anne Marie Embretsdaughter was their first child, she is my Great Grandmother. She is also born out of wedlock.  She was the mother of Einar Karlotsen, my Grandfather.
Hedmark fylke, Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 9 (1862-1877), Fødte og døpte 1874, side 109.
Hedmark fylke, Hof i Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 10 (1878-1909), Fødte og døpte 1898, side 75.

Maria had four brothers, one named Martin.  The tree others are Ole, Guttorm and Arne!
Martin Arneson was born in March 1862 and married my Great Grandmother Marie Bergersdaughter in 1883.  Marie had her first birthday March 25 in 1857
Hedmark fylke, Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 9 (1862-1877), Fødte og døpte 1862, side 5. 
Hedmark fylke, Arneberg i Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 11 (1879-1911), Ekteviede 1883-1884, side 120. 
Hedmark fylke, Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 8 (1849-1861), Fødte og døpte 1857, side 81. 

Martin and Marie had a girl named Mimi Martinsdaughter.  She was my Grandmother and she was also a first cousin to Anne Marie Embretsdaughter - mother of her husbond Einar Karlotsen.
Hedmark fylke, Arneberg i Hof, Ministerialbok nr. 11 (1879-1911), Fødte og døpte 1898, side 41.

And you can read about it in Hof Bygdebok, bind III, published by Åsnes Kommune in 1995 and written by Hans Marius Trøseid.  Bnr 46, Langerud, page 170 and 171

By, by for now, a picture my mother took at Svullrya in 1960.  We lived there.  Enjoy your day.