I'll mention the disclaimer now...I am a big fan of David Gilmour and Pink Floyd. Easily one of the greatest and most influential guitarists, Gilmour exhibits pure genius with tone, style, and execution. I've enjoyed where he's taken Pink Floyd after Waters left and dig his solo efforts too. But I find myself having a hard time appreciating his latest solo release, "On an Island" (2006). The songs just don't bring anything deeply engrossing to the table and are overly long. I realize Gilmour and Floyd are not strangers to avoiding conventional time frames on their tunes, but if you are going to make a long song you need to make it engaging...that is what I find lacking in this batch.
The closest he gets to Floyd is "Take a Breath," but even that pales in comparison to previous work. There are some isolated moments of sublime beauty in a few of the long, drawn out songs, but the listener is required to be too patient in waiting for them to surface. Speaking of being patience, I guess what adds insult to injury is that we had to wait since 1994 (Pink Floyd's "The Division Bell") to hear more from Gilmour.
The single, "Smile" is a pleasant enough acoustic-driven ditty, but not what most fans would expect or want from Gilmour. I like it, though.
iPOD-worthy: 8
Video for "Smile":