· Cut a 2 yard piece of size 5 (1" wide) ribbon for the rose into two 1 yard pieces. Sew the two raw ends of one piece together about ¼” from the edge. Accordion-fold this piece into tiny pleats (about ¼” wide) between your thumb and forefinger. This is the outside of the rose.
· To make the inside of the rose, take the other 1 yard piece of ribbon and begin by folding the right side of the ribbon down diagonally, letting the ribbon extend below the selvege about ½”. Fold the diagonal edge in half again. Begin rolling the ribbon tightly from the right about 1” to 1½” along the length to form the center of the rose. With a size 11 milliner's needle and Nymo bead thread, take a few stitches at the bottom of the roll to hold this center roll in place.
· Sew the tail of the center bud to the center of a 3" square of crinoline with just a few stitches, and stand the center up. Coil the ribbon around the center very loosely to form the center of the rose, leaving some space between the coil. Tuck the raw edge under the coil of ribbon when you get to the end. Now, flatten the coil of ribbon gently with your hand.
· Tack the rose’s flattened center down in the folds, and along the selvege edges. Carefully cut the excess crinoline away underneath. Place the circle of pleated ribbon underneath the center of the rose, and tack it down around the edges of the center.
· Make two simple leaves, and tack the leaves underneath the rose to the crinoline.
· Cut a circle out of felt (pink or scallop the edge) to cover the crinoline. Glue the felt on the back of the rose. Glue or sew a pinback to the felt to make a brooch, or eliminate the felt back and use this as an embellishment on a crazy quilt or other project.
Enjoy your beautiful roses...
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