Wargames Atlantic has a really great variety of boxsets with as always, a great value for the miniatures you get. The new Ogre set has optio...
Wargames Atlantic has Lot Going On- WW2 Italians, French Infantry, and Goblin Warbands!!!
The Goblin set is absolutely amazing and Wargames Atlantic always has tons of options to field your Gobbies just about any way you want. T...
Need some Goblins.... Wargames Atlantic has you covered.
Seriously, 30 Goblins with options for bows, spears and a variety of melee weapons. What else could you want in a box set? 30 Hard Plastic...
What's Next for Wargames Atlantic? You Decide
Atlantic Wargames has been in the middle of a number of polls, 6 in fact, to determine their next boxsets that will be coming out. Today w...
Giant Spiders Boxset Review
If you are needing to create a spider faction or need spiders as mounts /monsters this is a great boxset to jump in on from Wargames Atlan...
Eisenkern Stormtroopers: Review
Wargames Atlantic has a new box set out- Eisenkern Stormtroopers. Its a sweet boxset of 20 miniatures with tons of weapon options in plastic...
The Very Busy Week for Wargames Atlantic
Wargames Atlantic has been on fire with new releases and the wide variety of boxsets they are producing is becoming quite amazing. Solid pla...
Conquistadors, Lizard Men, British Riflemen at Wargames Atlantic
Wargames Atlantic is giving us a new set to look forward to, Conquistadors. Also I don't believe we took a look at the Lizard Men rele...
Coming Early 2021 Lizardmen! with Guns!
Wargames Atlantic is becoming one of my favorite miniature companies not only for what they have currently going but for the direction the...
Wargames Atlantic New Releases- Partisans
New Pre-Orders from Wargames Atlantic: the French Resistance!
Les Grognards Command and Heavy Weapons
Wargames Atlantic expands their Les Grognards lineup with Command and Heavy Weapons! Very cool release and of course with all Wargames Atl...
Eisenkern Stormtroopers- New Pre-Orders
Wargames Atlantic is at it again with excellent bargains for their miniatures and finding those miniatures that were once popular and ha...
Wargames Atlantic Kicks It Out of the Park
Wargames Atlantic has been releasing some fantastic boxsets and these two, specifically the Einherjar (Dwarves both fantasy and sci-fi in...
Dwarven Fans Rejoice! This boxset is for you... Fantasy, Modern, or Sci- Fi
Catching up to the August releases from Wargames Atlantic! Just wow, these will fit all your needs as it appears to be a single boxset wi...
The Great War- German Infantry Available Now
Wargames Atlantic has done it again with a new box set for $34.95 featuring 30 multi-plastic Great War German Infantry for your games.
War with- Giant Spiders Coming..... + Wargames Atlantic Outsource has Started
We were looking last week at all the new sets that Wargames Atlantic has and is releasing for just about every wargame out there, Fantasy...
New Box Sets..+Some Amazing Box Sets for all your Games! Fantasy to Sci-Fi
I personally have a couple box sets from Atlantic Wargames and I will be the first to say that I really like their plastic sets with al...
New Halfling Militia from Wargames Atlantic
What a great set to get and use for Halflings of all army times. This set is for £25 or $34.95 for 40 miniatures that allows you to creat...
New Boxset Coming from Wargames Atlantic
New boxsets seen on Facebook from Wargames Atlantic. This is exciting as this company gets moving forward as their miniatures are excelle...