Creature Caster known for its amazing sculpts is starting a digital STL subscription on Tribes (My Mini Factory). This is great news as the ...
Creature Casters New Release and Black Friday
Creature Caster is at it again with a new release " Engines of Destruction" alongside their Black Friday Bundle deals. Always wort...
Creature Caster's Void Elemental Release
Creature Caster: Coming Soon
Wow, Check this out coming from Creature Caster. Very cool looking miniature and when it is released 50% of the proceeds on a permanent ba...
Creature Caster New Releases- Atriarchs of Ruin and Necromancer Dragon
Im a big fan of Creature Caster and the orders I have had in the past. They have a new release now with their Atriarchs of Ruin - Unity, a...
Atriarchs of Onslaught- Available Now
Creature Caster the 3 Atriarchs of Onslaught that are released today. These are available right now, but there are delays to the EU going on...
Creature Caster New Releases- Death Elemental- Berserker and Siren
Creature Caster is one of my favorites miniature companies as they have some just simply amazing miniatures. Of course I have ordered...
The Lord of Virulence Pre-Orders
This is a very cool looking model, although quite large. Its up for pre-order right now over on Creature Caster. Here are some more pic...