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Showing posts with label crafting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crafting. Show all posts

March 2, 2014

Photography on wood/Fotografija na lesu

Zadnje čase se precej več ukvarjam s fotografijo, kot s papirčkanjem (prostorska stiska...delavnica kmalu:), zato sem letos moji mami za rojstnodnevno darilo naredila fotografijo na lesu. Na fotografiji so roke mojega sina, ki drži školjko. Če vas zanima originalna fotka, si jo lahko ogledate tukaj, tutorial pa tukaj.

Hvala za obisk! Mojca

November 7, 2011

Holiday Card / Praznična čestitka

This is my first card after a really looong time. I hope you like it:)

To je prva čestitka po res dolgem času. Upam, da vam je všeč:)


October 13, 2011

And now for real!

First I wanted to show you some necklaces I made recently.

Najprej sem želela pokazati nekaj ogrlic, ki sem jih naredila v zadnjem času.

Yellow Butterfly Necklace  is made of small metal pearls, acrylic beads and wooden butterfly.
Yellow Butterfly Necklace je narejena iz majhnih metalnih perlic, akrilnih kroglic in lesenega metuljčka.


Blue Butterfly Necklace is made of small matt pearls, murano glass beads and wooden butterfly.

Blue Butterfly Necklace je narejena iz majhnih mat perlic, kroglic iz murano stekla in lesenega metuljčka.

 2554 is made of 2554 small pearls and some murano glass beads. This one is my favourite.

2554 je narejena iz 2554 majhnih perlic in kock iz murano stekla. Ta je moja najljubša.

Aqua is made of very small satin pearls and silver chain.

Aqua je narejena iz zelo majhnih satenastih perlic in srebrne verige.


Thanks for looking!

Hvala za obisk in komentarje!
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