Well okay maybe for some of you spring is in the air but here it is autumn that is in the air. Summer apparently has been and gone and most of us here it seems have missed it. This year my figs have not ripened and I feel the need to complain. My tree is laden with these small green things that should have been big and brown and juicy and consumed by now. Alas I fear that they will just drop from the tree unripened and the birds and I will miss our annual feast and our much anticipated annual squabble over who they actually belong to. I shan't get to tell them that it is not fair to leave half eaten figs on the tree or worse to peck 5 holes in one and decide it is not ready and move to the next or worse still to leave the shredded stalk as evidence that they beat me. I shall miss this little piece of summer.
This is what my tree should look like .......