Thank you for your calling through grace, choosing me at this time, as you did your bondservant Paul. Guide me and help me to be obedient in sharing your gospel among all the nations. You Jesus, are from the seed from the Ruler David according to the flesh. You Jesus through the Spirit of holiness you are the Son of God!
You demonstrated this capably when you came back to life. Resurrected! Redeemed! May your grace and peace from God the Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit flow through me today and through those who have been called by YourHoly Spirit. All the glory to You Lord of Lords!
In the mighty name of Jesus
Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God
which He promised before through His prophets in the Holy Scriptures,
concerning His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh,
and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead.
Through Him we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name,
among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ;
To all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints:Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.