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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Happy Sam

Real Name
Samuel Sawyer
Officer in the United States Army


Place of Birth

Known Relatives

Group Affiliation
Commanding officer of Howling Commandos, the Deadly Dozen, the Maulers


Military Academy


6' 2"


230 lbs.








Sam Sawyer was an excellent military leader and hand-to-hand combatant. He also a great marksman. 

Other Info 
Samuel "Happy Sam" Sawyer was trained in parachuting in Britain in 1940 by Finley's Flying circus. The circus comprised of daredevil parachutist Nick Fury and pilot Red Hargroves who ironically nicknamed Sawyer "Happy Sam" due to his deadly serious and consistently stony demeanor. (Click on the highlighted name above to learn about Nick Fury. Note: Beware of the low-cut outfit worn by one in the background of Fury's bio page.)

Later, Happy Sam became a Captain in the United States Army. However, at one point, he was wounded in North Africa and was deemed "unfit" for combat missions. Therefore, after this, Sawyer went out and organized and commanded the his own groups: Howling Commandos, Bull McGiveney's Maulers, Jim Morita's Nisei Squad, Sgt Bob Jenkins' Missouri Marauders, and the Deadly Dozen. (Click on names above to learn about the highlighted team and/or character.)

Over time, and through multiple wars (Korean, Vietnam, etc.), Captain Sawyer rose in ranks to become Colonel and then General.

Later, when Loki led an army of his minions from Asgard into Washington D.C., in an attempt to conquer Earth, General Sawyer was placed in charge of defending Washington. Fortunately, Thor came to Sawyer's aid, and the two led their armies against Loki. However, they were outmatched, and Happy Sam feared that they would have to resort to atomic weapons. Luckily, Thor was able to triumph over Loki in combat; thus, ending the invasion. (To learn about the race and/or characters, just click on their highlighted name above. Note: Beware of the revealing outfit worn by Loki in his woman-form.)

Soon after, General Sawyer was on his way to the Howling Commandos' reunion when he was kidnapped by HYDRA agents led by an LMD (Life Model Decoy) of Baron Strucker. The Strucker LMD then used an LMD of Sawyer to steal a B-52 bomber with nuclear missiles, and transported the bomber and the real Sawyer to Hydra Island where the Strucker LMD planned to force Sawyer into giving them the navigation override codes. However, Sawyer knew that he wouldn't be able to stand up to HYDRA's brainwashing techniques so he tried to destroy the plane as they flew. Unfortunately, the Strucker LMD stopped him. However, the Howling Commandos and and Captain America were hot on their trail to save Sawyer. In fact, it was Captain America who saved the real Sawyer from HYDRA. While escaping, Captain America had to hide Happy Sam in an air shaft (at Sawyer's insistence) to return and stop the Strucker LMD. While there, General Sawyer got up and tried to stop HYDRA himself by dressing in a HYDRA uniform and sneaking into the bomber. Once there, Happy Sam set the bomber to self-destruct, then exited, knocking down the Strucker LMD. In retaliation, the Strukcer LMD set itself to self-destruct, and it was Happy Sam who flung himself over the LMD to shield the Howlers from the blast. In his final breathes, Sawyer told Fury that "You and your Howling Ya-Hoos may have been...the biggest pain in the neck this nursemaid had...but you were the best! I'm proud to have been your commander...and friend!" (To learn about the highlighted team, device, characters, and/or place, just click on their names.)

Afterward, General Sawyer's remains were buried at Arlington National Cemetery. In honor his honor, a S.H.I.E.L.D. assault Helicarrier was named after Happy Sam. (Click on the highlighted names above to learn about the team and/or vehicle.)

There is nothing there, but her is the bio link for Happy Sam,,_Samuel.

Happy Sam appears on the TV series Marvel's Agent Carter as one of the Howling Commandos that assisted Peggy Carter in Russia.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Pinky Pinkerton

Real Name
Percival Pinkerton
Gentlemen's club owner, former playboy and commando

Place of Birth
London, England
Known Relatives
Lt. Colonel Reginald Pinkerton (older brother), unnamed father and mother
Group Affiliation
S.H.I.E.L.D., Howling Commandos, Deadly Dozen

Attended the finest military academies in England, but failed out and was asked to resign.

5' 11"

155 lbs.




Percival Pinkerton was a trained commando who has skilled in both armed and unarmed combat. Pinkerton often used rifles and grenades in combat. However, his main weapon was his bumbershoot (umbrella). He would use the umbrella as a club, fenced with it as a sword, used it to aid him in climbing, and to even slow his descent while falling. 

Other Info
To follow his family's expectations that he would become a fine military officer, Percival "Pinky" Pinkerton attended some of the finest military academies in England. However, over time, Pinkerton became bored of the military and spent his time chasing women and partying. Eventually, he fell behind in his studies and was asked for his resignation. His older brother, Reginald, remained at the academy, but Pinky left--ashamed to face his family. Then when World War II broke out, Pinkerton enlisted and became a commando at the rank of private.

During WWII, Pinky was recruited into Nick Fury's Howling Commandos as a replacement for their deceased member, Jonathan "Junior" Juniper. Although the team was initially skeptical if Pinky had what it would take to be a Howler, he quickly proved himself on a mission to stop Baron Heinrich Zemo who had created a death-ray. (To learn about the above highlighted characters and/or team, just click on their names. Note: Beware of the low-cut outfit worn by one on Nick Fury's bio page.)

At one point, Captain Samuel Sawyer reassigned Pinkerton and Dino Manelli to a newly-formed group known as the "Deadly Dozen." Under the command of fellow Howling Commando, Dum-Dum Dugan, they trained and fought alongside the Deadly Dozen for many missions. (Click on the names above to learn about the highlighted characters.)

After a time, Pinkerton, and others, returned to the Howling Commandos and continued to serve with distinction for the remainder of WWII.

Much later, the Howling Commandos were called back to service during the Korean War. Pinkerton had become a sergeant, as were all the other former private soldiers of the unit.

Later in their lives, several of the Howling Commandos, including Pinkerton, briefly joined S.H.I.E.L.D. as a favor to Nick Fury. (Click on the highlighted name above to learn about S.H.I.E.L.D.)

In the end, Pinky Pinkerton died of cancer in his bed, with no family around. However, Dum-Dum Dugan was there holding his hand when Pinky took his last breath.

There is nothing there, but her is the bio link for Pinky Pinkerton,,_Pinky.

Pinky Pinkerton appears on the TV series Marvel's Agent Carter as one of the Howling Commandos that assisted Peggy Carter in Russia.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Junior Juniper

Real Name
Jonathan Juniper 

Soldier, former student


Place of Birth

Known Relatives
Roger Juniper (great-nephew, deceased)

Group Affiliation
Howling Commandos

College degree

5' 5"

110 lbs.




Junior Juniper was skilled as a tailgunner on a B-17. He was also a trained ranger/commando; thus, being proficient with a knife, grenade, dynamite, and submachine gun.

Other Info 
Jonathan "Junior" Juniper attended an Ivy League school. But after the attack on Pearl Harbor during World War II, he joined the Army and became a gunner in the Army Air Services. During that period of service, he downed at least ten German planes as a tailgunner on a B-17. Soon after, Junior volunteered for commando training. His impressive record caught the attention of Captain Sam Sawyer, who eventually assigned Juniper to Sergeant Nick Fury's First Attack Squad. (To learn about the characters above, just click on their highlighted names.)

The team's first mission was to rescue Dr. MacMillan (an English rocket scientist) from a German base outside of Paris. Soon after arriving at the German base, they soon realized that they did not possess enough firepower to take on the entire complex. However, it was Junior who--inspired by the biblical tale of Gideon--had the idea of stealing a truck with loudspeakers and using it to make their forces sound much larger than they really were. His idea actually worked and it was from this event that their team earned the nickname "Howling Commandos."

Juniper accompanied the "Howlers" on several more missions in occupied France, Italy, and Germany. Some of these missions included the rescue of a French Resistance leader, creating a diversion while the Allied navy destroyed German U-Boat pens, and the destruction of a German atomic energy research facility in Heinemund which also resulted in the liberation of a concentration camp.

At one point, the Howlers were sent into Berlin itself to help capture Lord Ha-Ha--a British traitor and Nazi propagandist. After capturing Lord Ha-Ha, the commandos waited for their transport back to England in a house on the coast of Bremerhaven. However, when a Nazi patrol went by, Lord Ha-Ha alerted the soldiers who actually ended up shooting him and began firing at the house where the Howling Commandos were waiting. Rather than wait for the shells to kill them, the Howlers charged out to battle. Unfortutnatly, duing the attack, Juniper took a bullet and died almost instantly. The Howling Commandos were able to escape, but Juniper's death had a profound effect on the team. (To learn about the Nazi Party, click on their highlighted name above.)

Much later, Nick Fury named Junior Juniper as one of the best friends he had ever had.

There is nothing there, but her is the bio link for Junior Juniper,,_Junior.

Junior Juniper appears on the TV series Marvel's Agent Carter as one of the Howling Commandos that assisted Peggy Carter in Russia.

Interestingly, Junior Juniper was the only Howling Commando ever to die in battle, and the first main character to actually die permanently in Marvel Comics.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hugh Jones

Real Name
Hugh Jones
Former president of Roxxon Oil 
Place of Birth
Known Relatives
Group Affiliation
Formerly Serpent Squad, Serpent Cartel, Roxxon Oil 






None; however, when possessed by the Serpent Crown, Hugh Jones was capable of great psychic power granted by the Elder God Set. He was able to read and control others' minds, cast illusions, and use fire bolts of energy as an offensive blast. Jones was also granted superhuman strength and endurance.

Hugh Jones was a skilled businessman.

Other Info
The son of a wealthy oilman, Hugh Jones inherited his father's corporation which would later become Roxxon Oil. During his time of running Roxxon, Jones arranged the murders of several of the company's competitors and rivals--Howard and Maria Stark being among them. (To learn about the team and/or character, just click on their highlighted names above.)

At one point, Jones was kidnapped by Viper and her Serpent Squad. They forced Jones into contact with the Serpent Crown; thus, becoming the vessel for the Elder God Set. Set wished to use Jones' corporate power to establish his power over Earth. (To learn about the above highlighted teams and/or characters, just click on their names.)

Soon after, Jones was liberated by Captain America (in the guise of Nomad) and the Namor the Sub-Mariner. The two together were able to defeat the Serpent Squad. However, realizing her imminent capture, Viper fled with the Crown, but lost the Crown in the sewer while escaping. (Click on the highlighted names above to learn about the characters.)

Even though Jones was separated from the Serpent Crown, he continued to have a mental link with it; thus, he began a lengthy search for the artifact. Eventually, Jones found the Crown and resumed wearing it. Through the knowledge of Set, Jones learned about the Multiverse and was able to contact and ally himself with the Serpent Cartel (acolytes of Set) of the alternate universe of Earth-712. On Earth-712, the President of the United States wore the Serpent Crown and almost all the country's population were under Set's command. To continue the spread of Set's conquest across both realities, Earth-712's superhero team known as the Squadron Supreme (under the control of Set) were transported to help Jones spread Set's influence in his reality. But, the Avengers soon appeared and battled the Squadron Supreme. Fearing that his plans would be exposed, Jones decided to transport both teams to Earth-712 instead. However, despite Jones and the Serpent Cartel's best efforts, the Avengers were able to overthrow the Set's control over Earth-712 and the Squadron Supreme. Afterward, the Avengers returned to their own universe, taking the Earth-712 Serpent Crown with them. However, upon their return, Hugh Jones confronted them and sent Orka against the team. Orka was able to defeat some of the Avengers until he was defeated after Thor and Moondragon arrived. (Click on the highlighted names above to learn about the places, teams, and/or characters.)

Later, Jones formed a new Serpent Squad and sent them to find and locate the missing Serpent Crown of Earth-712--wanting to combine the two Crowns to double his power. The Serpent Squad was opposed by various heroes including the Scarlet Witch, StingrayTriton, and the Thing. However, during the battle, Sidewinder was able to escape with the Serpent Crown and gave the artifact back to Hugh Jones which he wore atop his Crown. Now, with immense psychic power, Jones took complete control over all of Washington D.C. When the heroes arrived in to stop him, Jones conjured up an army of ethereal images of past wearers of the Serpent Crown to battle them. In fact, Scarlet Witch approached Jones and attempted to battle him, but was overpowered by his superior mental power. Ultimately, a distraction by the Scarlet Witch faking a surrender made it so the Thing was able to remove the Serpent Crowns off Jones' head. Jones was defeated, and the Crowns were taken to Project: PEGASUS for safe-keeping and research. (To learn about the characters and/or place above, just click on their highlighted names. Note: Beware of the revealing outfits on Scarlet Witch's bio page.)

Unfortunately, breaking the link between Hugh Jones and the Serpent Crown drove him insane and he was hospitalized in a mental hospital. This lead to him also being replaced as the President of Roxxon Oil.

There is nothing there, but her is the bio link for Hugh Jones,,_Hugh.

Hugh Jones appears on the TV series Marvel's Agent Carter. And like the comics, he appears as the President of Roxxon Oil Corporation.