Monday, January 12, 2015
Monday, March 22, 2010
{*new* netbook / iPad cases}
Did you know Apple has a new product coming out? It's the iPad, and it's coming April 3. I look at this new product like a large {but so lightweight!} version of the iPhone. I bet it'll be super fun to use!
And if you've ordered an iPad, you can now carry it in a Gussy netbook/work bag. These sassy bags are smaller versions of the original laptop bag size, but made to fit a netbook and now an iPad.
7 new bags -- 6 new designs.
Which one will you own?
Which one will you own?
new product
{a special print for Gussy}
One of my blogging friends, Becca, contacted me a few weeks ago, saying she made something with Gussy in mind. Becca looooves to draw {this is her shop} so I had a little bit of an idea of what she had made.
Except in the end, I was way off. I'm in love! I had this print framed immediately and now it sits all sassy-like in our apartment. I have it on the wall right before you walk into The Sweat Shop. Hah!
How perfect is that?!
See? This is why blogging is fun :]
Actually, once Becca showed me this print I contacted this Etsy seller and she painted a frame in this custom red color. Perfection.
A little about Becca's Etsy shop:
Hello, welcome to my little submarine shop! No, I don't sell sandwiches. I make whimsical submarine art! Go ahead, look around!
I am the proud and sassy wife of a submariner, and a *new* stay-at-home mom. My father was a Navy Chaplain, my brother and grandfather, Marines. I guess it's in the blood.
Creating, dreaming, and scheming are the things that get me through long deployments and this crazy lifestyle. I love being a military wife. I create these pieces to pay homage to the hard working men of the "silent service." They are always on duty, always standing the watch, protecting our rights, freedom and way of life. I hope that when people see my artwork they think of and appreciate the sailors and the families that love them and eagerly await their return.
Isn't her stuff cute???
etsy favs
Sunday, March 21, 2010
{I heart dates with Zack}
Zack and I had an amazing day yesterday. We left the apartment around 1 pm and came home close to nearly 8 pm! Yeow. I don't remember the last time I spent a Saturday away from my sewing machine. And, there were only like 3 times I thought about sewing.
Taking the day off from work was so needed! We have hardly spent an entire day together since, well, for sure since Blissdom (early February!). We went to lunch at Buca di Beppo {score! we had a coupon}, shopped the mall with some gift cards -- I finally picked up a copy of Julie & Julia {so excited to read this}.

See that arm? That is Zack, trying to give me bunny ears. Sigh... ;) And no, we are not wearing matching-colored shirts. No way.
Zack twisted my arm a half-turn and we ended up at a sporting goods store. He browsed nearly every department {and I played around in nearly every department...} and then we ended up in the camping section. I saw all sorts of silly things, like portable toilets that look like laundry hampers and yucky dry camping food {scrambled eggs and bacon? ewww}. I told him we could go camping but I will be taking a shower. I'll let you know if we go/if I shower, hah!
And you know where we headed next: Target! Needed to snag a few essentials. We checked-out, loaded the car, then realized we missed a huge essential: food! So back inside we went. Hah!
I know Zack didn't like this as much as I did, but we were able to put away some wintery decorations. Then I organized my candle cabinet. And I did some spring cleaning in my office. And this is probably the most boring Gussy update...?
But don't lose all hope for me! Today I'll be spending a few hours sewing. I've got a few new baby blankets to photograph + list, too. I'm working on stocking a recently-shown Gussy item. I hear Apple is coming out with a new product soon. Hmm... Anyone buying one?
Taking the day off from work was so needed! We have hardly spent an entire day together since, well, for sure since Blissdom (early February!). We went to lunch at Buca di Beppo {score! we had a coupon}, shopped the mall with some gift cards -- I finally picked up a copy of Julie & Julia {so excited to read this}.
See that arm? That is Zack, trying to give me bunny ears. Sigh... ;) And no, we are not wearing matching-colored shirts. No way.
Zack twisted my arm a half-turn and we ended up at a sporting goods store. He browsed nearly every department {and I played around in nearly every department...} and then we ended up in the camping section. I saw all sorts of silly things, like portable toilets that look like laundry hampers and yucky dry camping food {scrambled eggs and bacon? ewww}. I told him we could go camping but I will be taking a shower. I'll let you know if we go/if I shower, hah!
And you know where we headed next: Target! Needed to snag a few essentials. We checked-out, loaded the car, then realized we missed a huge essential: food! So back inside we went. Hah!
I know Zack didn't like this as much as I did, but we were able to put away some wintery decorations. Then I organized my candle cabinet. And I did some spring cleaning in my office. And this is probably the most boring Gussy update...?
But don't lose all hope for me! Today I'll be spending a few hours sewing. I've got a few new baby blankets to photograph + list, too. I'm working on stocking a recently-shown Gussy item. I hear Apple is coming out with a new product soon. Hmm... Anyone buying one?
I can't believe today is Sunday. My days feel all mixed-up recently. However... The forecast shows blue skies through Thursday. This girl is HAPPY!
Yesterday was just so amazing. I love feeling like I felt when Zack and I first met. I'm so blessed that we're so in love. We talked about where to go for our second anniversary today and it just gives me butterflies thinking about it. We know love is a choice -- but it's also a commitment we made June 2008. I hope there are people in life that give you butterflies :]
Yesterday was just so amazing. I love feeling like I felt when Zack and I first met. I'm so blessed that we're so in love. We talked about where to go for our second anniversary today and it just gives me butterflies thinking about it. We know love is a choice -- but it's also a commitment we made June 2008. I hope there are people in life that give you butterflies :]
So, what are you doing today?
{woo hoo! there's still a day left of the weekend!}
{woo hoo! there's still a day left of the weekend!}
Friday, March 19, 2010
{Featured Artist: Shoshona Snow}
This giveaway is now closed!
Here at Gussy has a lot to say we love to look at all things beautiful. Beautiful decorations, beautifully soft home-elements, beautiful stories about family life.
Today marks week #17 of my series on featured Etsy artists. I hope you've enjoyed the featured drool-worthy eye-candy shops. Don't worry, I have many more, so please stay with me :) You can read all back Featured Artist posts by clicking here.
Please join me in welcoming Shoshona at Shoshona Snow
What inspires you? My parents are antique dealers, so grew up going to antique shows and yard sales. I’ve just always had a fascination with old things. I’m inspired by ancient Egypt, 18th century French porcelain, kitschy pots from the 1940’s, sleek atomic age design…I could go on and on. Oh, and animals. Where do you call home? Are you from there originally? Kingston, New York. It’s 90 miles north of NYC. But I grew up in the Catskill Mountains… not too far from where I am now.
Name something unique to where you live. We have the Wallkill River, which flows north between two major south-flowing rivers (the Hudson and Delaware Rivers). That’s pretty unique. It’s all rivers, creeks and mountains around here. And I have a lot of fossils in my back yard.
Share an interesting fact about yourself. Um. I work too much...and thus visit the chiropractor twice a week. And I like to stay up until 4am.
How did you come up with your shop name? I think that’s pretty self explanatory ;)
{it's her name}
Share a little bit about yourself. I have a husband named Jonathan. I have a Boston terrier named Dudley. I went to school for ceramics and I’m still working with clay 10 years later. I like books (reading and listening) and music and movies and can’t work in the studio without some kind of audio/visual stimulation to keep me company. I hate wearing pants, even in the studio I prefer to wear skirts. I own too many pairs of shoes. I’m sure my neighbors think I’m nuts when I take Dudley for walks, clay up my arms, wearing an apron, at all hours of the day and night. I love opening up a kiln and seeing happy pots.
If you had to describe yourself in a word, what would that word be? Introvert.
What made you decide to open up shop? I found Etsy in 2006 when I had just decided to quit my day job and make a go for it. Thank goodness it all worked out. Name your favorite thing about selling handmade. There is something that I can’t even describe that goes on when I make and sell something. I take a lump of clay and form it with my hands. I make glazes from powders and with some time and a lot of heat, end up with a unique vessel that someone will buy and hold and use. It’s pretty great.
Do you have a day job or sell on Etsy full-time? It’s been a full time gig for 4 years. I sell on Etsy as well as many shops and galleries across the US.
Give us a little glimpse into what a typical day in your life looks like. I usually spend a few hours every morning answering emails and packing and shipping orders. Then I check my list of what needs to be made that day and start prepping my clay. I usually have several groups of work at different stages, so I’ll go from carving to trimming to throwing… If I’m firing a kiln I usually take the day off from making and clean, mix glazes, recycle clay or take photos. My studio is at my house, so it’s hard for me to set work hours for myself and I end up working 14 hour days without even realizing it. I seem to get my best work done at night.
Share with us a favorite Etsy purchase or shop. This is a hard one. I love all my pots from other ceramic artists. And I love my level earrings from sherrytruitt and my bubble earrings from ashleyjewelry.
List a few of your most favorite pastimes. Reading Watching movies Music Walking outside at 3am in the dark Sewing Hiking Making up nicknames for my dog.
Read any good books lately? I just got a Kindle and I think I’ve read 7 books in the last 2 months. Anything good? Not really. I’m always looking for good autobiographies if anyone has any suggestions. I read To Kill a Mocking Bird once a year.
What is your most prized possession? My wedding rings. My dog.
What are three of your favorite foods? Indian Ice cream Sushi What would you like to learn to do? I’d like to be a better photographer.
What are you listening to right now? The Who (Happy Jack) and Dudley growling in his sleep next to me.
Name one place you must visit in your lifetime and why. Athens, Greece. It’s been a city for 7000 years. That’s just cool.
Now for something fabulous!
One reader will win this pair of love bird ornaments:
To enter:
Leave a comment sharing how you show love to others.
For additional entries
{leave a separate comment for each}:
-Comment that you follow my blog
-Comment that you follow Shoshona's blog
-Comment that you follow me on Twitter
-Comment that you follow Shoshona on Twitter
-Tweet about this {leave a comment with your Tweet}
-Blog about this {leave a comment with your post URL}
Leave a comment sharing how you show love to others.
For additional entries
{leave a separate comment for each}:
-Comment that you follow my blog
-Comment that you follow Shoshona's blog
-Comment that you follow me on Twitter
-Comment that you follow Shoshona on Twitter
-Tweet about this {leave a comment with your Tweet}
-Blog about this {leave a comment with your post URL}
- The giveaway will close Sunday, March 21 at 10 pm CST, and the winner will be announced the following day
- An email address must be listed on your blog profile or in the comment you leave
Please check back Friday, March 26 for another featured artist post!
featured artist
Thursday, March 18, 2010
{things I carry daily}
These items are carried with me daily:
Not that I've EVER used it. And I seriously pray I never have to.
But I like to look at it inside my bag and giggle. Hah!
What fun things do you carry daily?
- my huge, red sunglasses
- Burt's Bees chapstick
- my bus pass {inside the green apple case}
- my purple wallet
- Clean & Clear oil sheets
- pink Mace! Hah!
Not that I've EVER used it. And I seriously pray I never have to.
But I like to look at it inside my bag and giggle. Hah!
What fun things do you carry daily?
{our little sunshiny date}
Sunday morning, Zack and I took a little walk to the bakery. It was so gorgeous outside -- so bright and sunny -- a prefect morning date :)
{It was so bright inside I didn't even realize my sunglasses were still on...}
This little date reminded me of when we were in college, walking the campus together as boyfriend + girlfriend. Man, that was a long time ago! Hah!
This spring marks our 6th year together ♥
Speaking of "years" -- I can NOT believe this June is our second wedding anniversary.
You should have seen the other side of this bakery. Not only did they have deee-licous looking cupcakes and cheesecakes, but they had fresh muffins, donuts, scones -- tasty :)
I love fun dates like this!
I knew I'd spend most of the day sewing or blogging, so it was especially important to have some Zack & Maggie time in.
Like last night. I knew I was tired. I knew I needed a break. I knew there was work to do.
But I knew I needed to be on the couch and not in The Sweat Shop.
We have to know our limits, right?
My nephew Collin has been saying the darnedest things to my mom.
Last night he told her his back "was all itchy."
She said, "I wonder why...?"
"Grandma, it's called Leprosy."
Duh, Grandma ;)
Have you entered in Nester's Giveaway Day?
Enter for a chance to win $50 Gussy shop credit -- or something else from the many wonderful featured shops!
Like last night. I knew I was tired. I knew I needed a break. I knew there was work to do.
But I knew I needed to be on the couch and not in The Sweat Shop.
We have to know our limits, right?
My nephew Collin has been saying the darnedest things to my mom.
Last night he told her his back "was all itchy."
She said, "I wonder why...?"
"Grandma, it's called Leprosy."
Duh, Grandma ;)
Have you entered in Nester's Giveaway Day?
Enter for a chance to win $50 Gussy shop credit -- or something else from the many wonderful featured shops!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
{Custom Order :: Meg's knitting bag}
This particular Gussy Custom Order means a lot to me, because it's for a very special blog reader. Meg always, always, ALWAYS leaves me comments. And they are so awesome, because they are ALWAYS positive. She usually writes me each morning, telling me how much she loves my blog and wishes me a great day.
Well, Miss Meg, I want you to know I look forward to your comments every morning :) This Custom Order is a knitting bag and I've stuck some of my lonely yarn {the sewing machine steals all my time...} in the bag for the photo shoot. There are 8 pockets for knitting needles and a large opening for about a half dozen skeins of yarn.
This bag rocks! I normally don't become too attached to my Gussy items because I know they are to be sold. But... I wanted to keep this one :) Hah!
I love the extra-wide Gussy ruffle.
This is a prime example of why I love to sew. It definitely fills my need to interact with others, feel needed, and show myself daily that "I can!"
How many of you could get lost in this bag? ;) It's huge and amazing.
So Meg, this bag should be on your doorstep by now.
I hope you love it, create many wonderful projects while using this bag, and let it be a reminder that we all have an impact on one another. You are so inspiring :)
custom order,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
{a little treat}
welcome to the Gussy blog.
-- today only --
to celebrate The Nester's giveaway day,
enter "nester" at checkout to save 15% on your entire Gussy order!
PS. the discount is good on the knit baby blankets, too :)
-- today only --
to celebrate The Nester's giveaway day,
enter "nester" at checkout to save 15% on your entire Gussy order!
PS. the discount is good on the knit baby blankets, too :)
Monday, March 15, 2010
{the butterfly winner}
The Gilded Bee giveaway winner
Jessica @ A Few of my Favorite Things
email me: whitley.maggie {at} gmail {dot} com
{darling blog, by the way!}
Jessica @ A Few of my Favorite Things
email me: whitley.maggie {at} gmail {dot} com
{darling blog, by the way!}
{shop re-stock. whoa.}
{aqua poppies laptop bag}
and, back by popular demand --
{damask laptop bags}
What else did I do this weekend?
- stayed in my PJs alllll day Saturday and sewed
- went on a little Sunday morning walk with Zack
- went to Panera Bread to get some bloggy work done :)
- added gift certificates to the shop
- listened to this song 100 times. And this song, too. Gussy ♥ Coldplay.
- colored my hair
- painted my fingernails :)
What about you? What did you do?
I'd love if you shared.
new product
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