Synonyms for Healthy
- salubriousadj.healthwholesomebeneficialinvigorating
- robustadj.characteristicpropertywellstrong
- healthfuladj.healthwholesomeheartybeneficial
- haleadj.healthwellstrongpowerful
- welladj.healthin good conditionin good physical condition
- fitadj.characteristichealthwellphysically fit
- heartyadj.propertyhealthwellpowerful
- soundadj.propertywellin good condition
- wholesomeadj.healthfulnutritioussalutary
- vigorousadj.wholesomewellphysically fitin good condition
- strongadj.powerfulvigourousphysically fit
- beneficialadj.wholesomeinvigoratinghealthfulgood for one
- goodadj.big
- salutaryadj.wholesomebeneficialinvigorating
- sturdyadj.vigourousin good condition
- hardyadj.propertystrongpowerful
- bloomingheartyin good conditionflourishing
- hygienicadj.wholesomehealthful
- wholeadj.propertyin good condition
- flourishingadj.prosperous
- able-bodiedadj.
- lustyadj.vigourous
- in fine fettlein good physical condition
- nourishingadj.healthfulnutritiousgood for one
- normaladj.
- livelyadj.hearty
- activeadj.
- in good shapein good physical condition
- toughadj.strong
- bracingadj.invigoratinghealthful
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Phrases with Healthy
Things Healthy often describes
How Healthy often is described
Healthy is the first word in phrase
Healthy is the last word in phrase