Synonyms for Fountainhead
- wellnaturestartspringsource
- sourcenatureoriginstartspring
- wellspringsourceprincipal source
- springnatureoriginstartsource
- originstartsourcebeginningprimal source
- fountstartsourceprincipal source
- fountainnaturestartspringprincipal source
- headorigin
- rootsourceprimal source
- headspring
- beginningorigin
- causeprimal source
- font
- motherprincipal source
- cradle
- derivation
- provenance
- provenience
- wellhead
- parent
- authorprincipal source
- fatherprincipal source
- mainspring
- startbeginning
- originator
- seed
- birthplace
- foundation
- birth
- creator
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Phrases with Fountainhead
Fountainhead is the first word in phrase