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Work Insights FAQ

Accessing Work Insights

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How can my organization get access to Work Insights?

Work Insights is available to organizations with Google Workspace Enterprise Plus licenses. If your organization has Google Workspace Enterprise Plus but you can't access Work Insights, contact your Google sales representative.

Note: If your organization has Work Insights, you can view data for users with any type of Google Workspace license—Basic, Business, or Enterprise—in Work Insights.

If my organization downgrades Google Workspace licenses, will we lose access to Work Insights?

If your organization no longer has any Google Workspace Enterprise Plus licenses, you'll lose access to Work Insights. For more information, contact your Google sales representative or Google reseller.

How do I get access to my team's data in Work Insights?

To access Work Insights, you need the appropriate privileges for your Google Workspace account. Contact your Google Workspace administrator for help with accessing Work Insights. Who is my administrator?

If you're an administrator, see Grant access to Work Insights.

Using the charts

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How often is data updated on the dashboard?

Data is usually refreshed daily. To check when the data was last updated, at the top of the page, click the clock.

What are 30-day and 7-day active users?
  • 30-day active users—Used the app at least once in the past 30 days
  • 7-day active users—Used the app at least once in the past 7 days
How are metrics for 30-day and 7-day active users affected by the date range?

Active user percentages are calculated for each day on a rolling timeline—that is, an app's 30-day active users percentage on any day is calculated using data for the previous 30 days.

In the trend graph for an app, you can see the active users percentage for each day in the time range you select. The percentage shown above the trend graph is the percentage of active users for the last (most current) day in the time range.

For more details, see How many users are active in Google Workspace?

What are a user's standard business hours?

Work Insights determines a user’s standard business hours from their calendar. If a user's calendar settings aren't available, it's assumed that their standard business hours are 9 AM to 5 PM in their time zone.

For more information, see:

If a meeting spans across 2 days, on which day is the data counted?

If a meeting continues after 12 AM in a user's time zone, the meeting's data is counted on the day it starts. For example, if a user starts a meeting at 11:30 PM on January 5 and it continues until 12:30 AM on January 6, Work Insights shows a 1-hour meeting for January 5 only.

Which data is included

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Does Work Insights include data for users with any type of Google Workspace license?

Yes, if your organization has both users with Enterprise Plus and users with another edition of Google Workspace (such as Google Workspace Business), Work Insights includes data for all license types.

Do Google Drive metrics include activity in Docs, Sheets, and Slides?

Drive metrics include only the use of Drive features, such as sharing and organizing files. They don't include activity in Docs, Sheets, and Slides.

Do metrics include Google Chat or Google Meet?

Yes, Chat and Meet metrics are included in the charts. Google Hangouts is no longer included.

Why are some teams disabled in the team filter?

An organizational unit, manager team, or group appears as "disabled" in the team filter if it doesn't have enough members for whom Work Insights is turned on to meet the minimum team-size threshold. The default threshold is 10 users.

Note: Data for disabled organizational units, manager's teams, and groups are still included in organization-wide data in Work Insights—that is, data for your top-level organizational unit. This data is also included in other teams that include members of the disabled team, such as a parent organizational unit.

Why are some teams missing in the team filter

Organizational units might not appear in the team filter if:

  • Your account doesn't have the privileges to view data for those organizational units.
  • Your administrator didn't make those organizational units available in Work Insights.

Teams in a manager's reporting line might be missing in the filter because some managers aren't specified in users' account profiles. For more information, see Troubleshoot issues in Work Insights.

Why do some charts have different percentages than other Google Workspace reports?

Numbers on the Work Insights dashboard might not exactly match those in the Admin console or other reporting tools for any of the following reasons:

  • Work Insights counts 30-day active users when calculating percentages; other reporting tools might count 28-day active users. For more information, refer to the other tool's documentation.
  • Work Insights uses the total number of users with access to Google Workspace as a denominator; other reporting tools might specify 28-day active users as a denominator to calculate percentages.
  • Work Insights shows data for only organizational units that are enabled for Work Insights. An Admin console report might show data for all organizational units.

General questions

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What's the difference between Work Insights and reports in the Admin console?

Both the Google Admin console reports and Work Insights provide data on Google Workspace use. However, there are several key differences:


  • Admin console reports are available only to admins with access to the console.
  • Work Insights is available to both admins and users with the appropriate account privileges, such as executives, managers, and human resources staff.

Report types

  • Both the Admin console and Work Insights include data on Gmail, Drive, Chat, and Meet use.
  • Only Work Insights provides metrics on time spent in apps and meetings, use of non-Google Workspace apps, collaboration among teams, and work time outside business hours.


  • Both the Admin console and Work Insights show data by organizational unit. However, Work Insights can also show data by manager teams and whitelisted groups.
  • Some Admin console reports show data by user. Work Insights always shows aggregated data and doesn't identify individual users.
Which languages is Work Insights available in?

The Work Insights dashboard uses the same language you choose in your Google Account settings. To change this language, see Change the Account language settings.

Here are the available languages for Work Insights:

Arabic   Korean   Filipino
Chinese (Simplified)   Polish   Finnish
Chinese (Traditional)   Portuguese   Hebrew
Dutch   Russian   Hindi
English (U.S.)   Spanish   Hungarian
French (France)   Swedish   Indonesian
German   Turkish   Norwegian
Italian   Czech   Thai
Japanese   Danish   Ukrainian
How long does Work Insights retain a user's data?

For reporting purposes, Work Insights keeps a user's data for the current month and the previous month, for a maximum of 60 days. If you delete a user's account from Google Workspace, the user's data is deleted after 30 days.

Is a deleted user's data removed from Work Insights charts?

A deleted user's data remains on all charts for any time period when their account was active. Although a deleted user's data is removed from Google systems, Work Insights doesn't recalculate historical data.

Other questions?

For Work Insights issues, see Troubleshoot issues in Work Insights

For information on contacting Google Workspace support, see Get support for Work Insights

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