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Supported file types for creative assets

This article provides you with a list of the creative assets that you need for a rich media HTML5 creative and some tips and best practices.

Studio supported creative assets

Asset type


HTML file
Studio only accepts one HTML file per creative.
  • If your files include invalid HTML, you may see error messages when you upload. To avoid errors, validate your HTML file at
CSS files

Supported file types

Data Supported file types

.csv, .json, .pdf, .xml

Fonts Supported file types

.eot, .otf, .ttf, .woff, .woff2

Studio only parses font files to extract the font family, foundry, style, and weight. Note that there is no rights protection.

JavaScript files
  • Both .js and .min.js file extensions are supported
  • Don't use local or session storage
  • Instead of uploading JavaScript libraries with your creative, you can replace references to common libraries with Studio hosted URLs. Using our hosted URLs will help get these resources cached so they can be excluded from the initial load of your ad.
Local and session storage not allowed

To help protect user privacy, neither Studio nor Campaign Manager 360 accepts HTML5 assets that use local storage or session storage. If your upload is rejected for this reason, work with your developer to remove the forbidden APIs. Then try uploading the asset again. Specifically, you cannot upload HTML5 assets with the following JavaScript APIs:

  • indexedDB
  • localStorage
  • openDatabase
  • sessionStorage

If your advertising goals depend on these APIs, try using Campaign Manager 360 settings instead. For example, some advertisers use these APIs for ad targeting and frequency caps, but this isn't necessary: you can use Campaign Manager 360 to set up many kinds of targeting, and to set frequency caps. Ask your solutions consultant for help implementing workarounds. (Just keep in mind that regardless of how you set up your asset, you should only attempt to capture data that meets the privacy requirements in your contract with Google Marketing Platform.)

What is local storage and session storage? These are two kinds of HTML5 Web Storage. They are ways to store data on a browser. Local storage stores a file on the browser across browsing sessions. It remains on the browser permanently, unless the user clears the browser cache or deletes the file manually. Session storage only stores data on the browser during a particular browsing session. Once you close and restart the browser, all the session-stored data will be cleared.

Why isn't this type of storage allowed? The stored file can potentially include code designed to capture Personally Identifiable Information (PII), track cross-session browser activity, or send other data to third parties that may violate the terms of your Google Marketing Platform contract. This kind of data collection is certainly not the only use of local and session storage, but it's one possible use, because the file can include any type of code.

Images Supported file types

.gif, .jpg, .png, .svg

Supported backup image file types

.gif, .jpg, .png

Video files Supported uncompressed video source file types

.avi, .mov, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .wmv, .ogg, .ogv

Supported compressed video file types

m4v, .mp4, .ogg, .ogv, .webm

See file specifications and limits for video transcoding in the Asset Library for more details.

Audio files Supported file types

.ogg, .mp3, .wav, .wma

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