Find answers and ask questions in the Apple Support Community

Search the Apple Support Community for answers or post a new question.

Use the "Search or ask a question" bar to quickly find answers and ask new questions in the Apple Support Community. If you’re signed in, you can ask a new question by clicking "Ask the community" at the upper-right corner of any page.

To ask a question from the home page:

  1. Type your question in the "Search or ask a question" bar. Try to limit the question to one short sentence. You'll be able to provide more details in the next few steps.

  2. Review the list of similar questions to see if any of them sound like yours. You might be able to find an answer without posting a new question and waiting for other members to respond.

  3. If you don't see what you need, click "Ask the community." Make sure that you’re signed in with your Apple Account email address or phone number.

  4. On the next page, you can create a new post. It's helpful to include details like product specs, software version numbers, actions that cause the issue, and any troubleshooting you've already done. Please also keep in mind the community etiquette guidelines.

  5. Next, choose the device that your question is about and choose a topic.

  6. Click Post. Your question will be posted to the community for the topic you selected, and then other members can view and answer it.

To help you track responses, you're automatically subscribed to email notifications for any question that you ask or respond to. To set up your email notifications, select your avatar image in the top right and choose Preferences.

Encourage helpful community members by upvoting helpful content. This matches questions with quality answers and allows you to share your feedback so the whole community can benefit from valuable content.

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