Chloe The Crab Craft

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

If you enjoy Finny the Shark, then you know Chloe the Crab. This craft makes a super cute activity when learning about the ocean and underwater themes in the classroom. Plus, it makes amazing DIY decor for a Finny the Shark-themed birthday party! 

Be sure to check out the Finny And Family Swimming Shark Craft and the Myrtle the Turtle Craft. Now, let’s get started! 

Things you’ll need

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft
  • 10 red pipe cleaners
  • 2 paper bowls 
  • 4 foam balls
  • Craft paint
  • Paint brush
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Pen knife
  • Hot glue
  • Red marker


Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

Paint the underside of one bowl red and the other orange. Set them aside to dry.  

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

Once dry, paint the inner rims of the bowls. Set them aside to dry one more time. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

To make Chloe’s legs, fold a red pipe cleaner in half. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

Fold the pipe cleaner in half again, making sure to leave about half an inch at the end.

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

Twist the folded sections at either end to help hold it together. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

Bend the tip. The leg section should resemble a banana-like shape. Continue to make seven more legs. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

With the tip of a sharp pencil, pierce four holes on either side of the bottom of the orange bowl. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

Insert the pipe cleaner tip of the legs through the holes. From the inside of the bowl, bend the tips. Repeat for the other legs. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

Pierce the end of a pipe cleaner into the foam ball. Wrap the pipe cleaner around the ball. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

Insert the end of the pipe cleaner through the end that is pierced in the ball, then pull to tighten. Fold and twist the remaining end. 

Paint the pupil black with craft paint. Dip the eraser-end of a pencil into white craft paint to make a sparkle in Chloe’s eyes. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

To make Chloe’s eyelashes, snip some small pieces of black pipe cleaner and poke them into the styrofoam ball. She has three eyelashes on each eye. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

To make Chloe’s pincers, use a craft knife and cut a wedge out of a foam ball. Next, pierce the end of a foam ball with a pipe cleaner. Fold in half and twist together. Give the ball a couple of coats of red paint. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

Now it’s time to assemble! We use our sharp pencil to pierce holes as needed. Make two holes on the top of the red bowl. Feed the two eyes through the holes and twist the extra pipe cleaners together on the inside of the bowl. Add a dab of hot glue to each pipe cleaner as you go, for extra security. Pierce holes in the bottom bowl for Chloe’s legs and two holes on the side for her claws. Secure with hot glue. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

Glue the two bowls together. Use a red marker to draw a smiling mouth and red spots on the crab shell. 

Chloe The Crab CraftChloe The Crab Craft

Now you can play under the sea with Chloe! 

Be sure to subscribe to the Finny the Shark YouTube channel!