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Death Penalty Debates in the United States: Inhumane Practice


Capital punishment is a government-sanctioned practice of penalizing criminals where an individual is put to death. It is an extremely controversial practice in the United States where the death penalty is legal. I argue that the death penalty should not exist as it is an inhumane practice both ethically and practically, notoriously having many failings and challenges to its practicality.


The death penalty is viewed as inhumane by many, banned in many other industrialized nations for that reason. The punishment is seen as an anachronistic and modern society must overcome this practice. First, it is an act of killing by the state and individuals ordered by the state to commit the execution, which has numerous implications both from a political and psychological perspective. Second, it is ultimately degrading and horrifying for the prisoner, with numerous errors committed during capital punishment often leading to prolonged suffering (“The Case Against the Death Penalty”). I believe it is highly unjust and immoral for a democratic country such as the United States to engage in capital punishment.

The death penalty does not serve one of its primary roles in deterring serious crime. Numerous studies and evidence demonstrate a clear scientific consensus that there is absolutely no deterrent effect. This has not changed over the decades, and in fact, a state without a death penalty shows lower murder rates. The argument for the death penalty is based on faulty assumptions and historic examples where executions served as more of a political deterrent (Hu 2379). Without sociological and scientific support that the death penalty has a true deterrent effect, I believe it should not be continued.

Finally, the death penalty violates constitutional rights by interfering with the guarantee of equal protection. The death penalty is imposed disproportionately against offenders of color and low socio-economic class, especially if the victim is white. It also denies a due process of law. When new evidence or new laws that may warrant a reversal of the conviction are not applicable. Furthermore, there have been numerous instances in recent decades as forensic technology improves, where criminals that have already been executed or facing death row were found to be innocent. In my opinion, this is a highly atrocious violation of the due process of law that cannot be reversed once committed.


The death penalty is a wrongful and unjust method of punishment even for the most severe crimes. The process is highly flawed and there are numerous ethical and practical challenges that suggest that capital punishment should be abolished.

Works Cited

Hu, Hantao. “Death Penalty: An Unethical Punishment.” American Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, vol. 4, 2018, pp. 2378-2382. Web.

“The Case Against the Death Penalty.” ACLU. Web.

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "Death Penalty Debates in the United States: Inhumane Practice." January 4, 2022.

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