Rocket League

Rocket League

38 ratings
How to? - increase your skill, WITHOUT training!
By Igyzone
Feel like you can do better but no matter how much you burn rubber and skyrocket, it is not enough?

Try this guide!

Edit notes:
- Warning! - Trade offers WILL be deleted! Please post your deals in trade forums.
- 24th November : Added more content, VIDEOS! :D
Choose your best car
Remember this - Not all cars are the same.

Well, actually almost every car is unique, it all comes down to so called "Hitbox" shape and some of the car performance properties such as turning radius etc... If you wanna see specific details in numbers about each car, I'll provide a link below:

[ ================================ [ LINK ] ================================ ] []

So about the hitbox, there are many people claiming all cars work the same just by alone reading what the developers say. Now I don't want to say Pysonix is lying buuuuut..... sometimes the developers just don't know what they're talking about.... here's a vid from a respectable person that made a lot of training guides on his YT channel.

If you can't decide which to take, here's a fact on which are most popular car picks in the game:
  • Octane ( Most balanced )
  • Batmobile ( DLC, very flat = aggresive )
  • Dominus
  • Breakout
  • Merc ( Top choice for beginners, big hitbox = great for defense )

Note: Some of the newer cars are just redesigns of the older original ones (same hitbox)

You can only choose one car at a match so make sure you picked the one that you feel most confident in winning. So to figure out which ride unlocks your full potential, you have to try each of them. Now I'm not saying or forcing you to buy all the DLC ones, rather test those that you got on the field. (testing ain't training)

Best way to test them is on regular matches, but if you don't want to go into competitive right away, there is a variety of training courses, personally I pick some of the custom training courses, my favorite ones being named:
    • "Biddles Consistency 2 " : Download code - 27FE-E3D7-7FB5-7F43
    • " Dribble Flick Playground " : Download code - 7067-44F0-A1C8-7DAC
Camera angle
A picture is worth a thousand words.

That being said, it's all about perspective, meaning whether you play on normal camera or ball cam, the objective must be set to your preffered settings.

Doing that is easy, just go to the Options - Camera, and voila! Start mixing those settings up! Here you can see my ideal settings, but opinion warning, those are MY ideal settings, I have no clue about your taste! :D

Did I this is easy? Ok, you better learn what each camera settings does first. Best place to do this is during freeplay. Luckily they have well explained in each settings description, but to discover your real taste, you might want to see which settings the other well trained people use.

This link below provides information about the percentage of numerous individuals using each selected camera settings. I can confirm that this helped me choose my own settings a lot! Check the link listed below out and give it a try!

Rocket League Camera Settings & Controller Guide[] <----------------------

Want to watch a video instead? No problem!

Another important thing regarding the camera is the BALL CAM. This ball indicator has a lock on target (ball) direction, so you might want to check out how your camera settings effect the ball cam in play.

Note: Make sure to remember your current settings if you ever want to return it back the way things were before the change.

Note 2: Some camera settings may in some way effect performance.
Setup control keys
Before I debate that, need to make one thing clear. There's an eternal rivalry between using keyboard and a controller for Rocket League. If you ask which works better, then without a doubt works better with controller. The weakness with using a keyboard is the fixed acceleration and turning.

However that doesn't mean you'll operate better with controller, especially if you never tried one. Some of my friends use keyboard and are ranked Diamond like me.

That being said, once you picked your "steer wheel" , it's time to look and change your controls.
(Example of a PS4 controller with default key settings)
Don't know where? Just go Options - Controls.

This is how it looks like and inside the red circle is what I've modified to my taste. Of course as always, everyone has its own style of preference (including key setups), but if you're a bronze-silver ranker, you should be satisfied with the default. After gold and so on where you'll have to fly like a bird, every key, especially the ones about air movement is essential and you'll definitely want those keys as easily accesible on your controls as possible.

It's hard to talk about how pressing those keys in play looks like, so here's a decent xbox controller example on the first vid and a good ps4 controller on the second:
Boost up game performance
If your PC happens to be poor like mine, you'd NOT want to skip this! What you need to know that the gameplay of the game overall does not need to look better, but it certainly needs to work better!

You can't expect to become a champion if your computer is running 30 FPS right? So we got to get those frames going sky high!

Thanks to the game recently enabling the function to check your performance status, you can play and see how your frames are reacting. To see that, go to Options - Interface - Performance Graphs. Below you can see how it looks like.

If it's stable on 60 FPS and over, then you have no problem, but if it's less, then either:
  • A - get a better pc
  • B - increase your performance

Pretty sure you picked the B option because it's cheaper right? (And probaly why you're here in the first place), so to begin, try changing some video settings, to do that, go to Options - Video.

Usually its best if all "decoration" settings are ticked off but in my case, I noticed an improvement with DEPTH OF FIELD and in some cases RENDER DETAIL (changing this from performance to quality for some reason boosted up my frame count but my CPU overheated after some time and frames dropped to minimal...)

There are more ways to make your frames go higher outside of the game but I'm not going to list all the available options (because there's already another well made guide about that) tell every step on how to increase your game performance, however I will link you to another RL performance tweaking guide that really helped me.

Note: If you're using a desktop PC and haven't cleaned it up in the last few years, do that by removing all the dust inside, especially around the areas of the graphic card and cooling fan. This method can do wonders on your performance.
That is all
I hope you've found my guide useful and hopefully haven't waste your time reading.

Play fair, don't flame, respect others, stay safe!

- Igyzone

ACCUREIT Nov 26, 2018 @ 5:50am 
+Rep I don't know why that camera view did me alot better than with my resent camera setups, Thanks!
TheBlueSalamander Nov 25, 2018 @ 11:08am 
Did I this is easy?
Qwertycube Nov 24, 2018 @ 5:35pm 
@sambucaNL same
SambucaNL Nov 24, 2018 @ 3:13pm 
But.. I am champion with keyboard XD
Kaneki Nov 24, 2018 @ 11:00am 
lf reaper
Mr. void Nov 24, 2018 @ 10:47am 
DoKo_O Nov 24, 2018 @ 7:53am 
Merc uses octane hitbox, so nope, its not the biggest one :P it was but that was untill they decided to generalize all the hitboxes on the cars
up2zero Nov 24, 2018 @ 3:04am 
If you needed this guide, consider starting with a Camera Distance of 290 or even 300 and try to work your way down to the average of the pros that Igyzone linked.

I disagree that there is any real debate regarding Gamepad vs Keyboard and Mouse. The questions is PS4 gamepad or Xbox style.

Great guide Igyzone!
xShaggs420x Nov 23, 2018 @ 3:07pm 
We spoke with Psyonix President Dave Hagewood in August, and he told us that "statistically so far we have not seen one car beating another." Hagewood continued, saying the differences are more subtle than people think. "Some advantages people think they might be getting with a particular car, might be an advantage with their style of play, but it’s not an advantage with everybody else’s style of play." It's all in your head guys all a mental thing nothing more.
Vanilla Gorilla Nov 23, 2018 @ 1:41pm 