How to Draw Rainbow – Easy Drawing
How to Draw Rainbow – Easy Drawing Rainbows can occur when there is rain and sunshine at the same time. The raindrops act as tiny prisms, refracting the sunlight and creating the colorful spectrum of colors. Rainbows can be seen in the sky or on the ground, when sunlight is refracted through a crystal or other transparent object. Rainbow drawings can be a great way to learn about basic geometry, and they’re also a popular subject for children to learn about in school. So get ready to start drawing rainbows! Things required to Draw Stairs: Step 1 :- Start by drawing clouds Step 2 :- Now draw the upper layer of rainbow. Step 3 :- Slowly draw second layer. Step 4 :- Same here draw layers after layer. Step 5 :- The drawing is complete. Step 6 :- Colour the rainbow as shown in picture. Hey kids did you like