Species: Anzellan
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Abilities:
Microscopic Vision: Anzellans possess floating corneal microlenses that allow them to see microscopic detail. In game terms, if an Anzellan spends one full round focusing on an object or 0.25 meter target area that is within a 0.5 meter distance, he may then clearly discern microscopic detail in that target area or object. In addition, as the standard difficulty for objects that are microscopic in size is Heroic, after focusing his eyes using his floating corneal microlenses, an Anzellan may reduce this search difficulty by two levels. If any Technical-based skill checks require the use of microscopes, an Anzellan may forego use of external magnifying instruments after properly focusing his eyes. And if the success of repair-based rolls is dependent upon noticing or understanding microscopic detail, the Anzellan may also perform these tasks at two difficulty levels lower than normal as well.
Tiny Scale: Due to Anzellans’ diminutive size and stature, they are more difficult for larger beings to successfully hit in combat, or locate if hiding. However, they are less resilient to attacks from larger beings as well. In game terms, the difficulty of any attack made against an Anzellan between 10-50 centimeters tall, by larger-but-still-character-scale opponents, is increased by +1D. However, the damage of such attacks is also increased by +1D. By the same token, any attacks an Anzellan makes against character-scale targets gain a +1D bonus to succeed, though the target gains a +1D bonus to resist damage if the Anzellan’s attack is a physically-based brawling or melee one. Similarly, attack and damage bonuses scale up against even larger targets, as per standard scale modifier rules. (For example, Babu Frik would gain a +3D bonus to hit a speeder scale target.) Lastly, Anzellans gain a +1D bonus to their hide rolls, and if there is appropriate cover (ie: he or she is not simply out in the open on a flat surface), they gain a +1D bonus to their sneak rolls as well.
Move: 5/7
Size: 0.15-0.45 meters tall
Background: Anzellans were a diminutive sentient species. The tiny beings often took up tech jobs such as the droidsmith Babu Frik. One also worked on a Solar Array 22-X station as a crewmember in the Hetzal system during the High Republic Era. The Anzellan engineer Shug Drabor designed the Halcyon during that same era. Their size was comparable to infant members of other species. The eyes of Anzellans had floating corneal micro-lenses that could see microscopic details. Anzellans also had purple blood.