Species: Trandoshan
Homeworld: Trandosha (Hsskor or Dosha)
Attribute Dice: 12D
Move: 8-10
Size: 1.9-2.4 meters tall
Special Abilities:
Vision: Trandoshans’ vision includes the ability to see in the infrared spectrum. They can see in darkness with no penalty, provided there are heat sources.
Clumsy: Trandoshans have poor manual dexterity. They have considerable difficulty performing actions which require precise finger movement and they suffer a penalty of -2D whenever they attempt an action of this kind. In addition, they also have some difficulty using weaponry that requires a substantially smaller finger such as blasters and blaster rifles; most weapons used by Trandoshans have had their finger guards removed or redesigned to allow for the Trandoshan’s use.
Regeneration: Younger Trandoshans can regenerate lost limbs (fingers, arms, legs and feet). This ability disappears as the Trandoshan ages. Once per day, the Trandoshan must make a Moderate Strength or stamina roll. Success means that the limb regenerates by tem percent. Failure indicates that the regeneration does not occur.
Story Factors:
Wookiee Hate: Thelong-standing feud between the Wookiees of Kashyyyk and the Trandoshans is
deeply ingrained in both species. When encountering Wookiees or known Wookiee associates, Trandoshans must make a Moderate willpower check to keep from attacking.
Hostility: The Trandoshans are known as a belligerent species. They gain +1D to all intimidation rolls against non-Trandoshans.
Background: Trandoshans, also called T’doshok, were large, bipedal reptilian sentient humanoids from the planet Trandosha, and were renowned as great hunters. Trandoshans relished the thrill of a hunt, and were known to embark on a hunting related rite of passage. They were also famous for their ability to regenerate limbs and heal effectively. Garnac was a Trandoshan hunter who operated a game preserve on the moon Wasskah, and oversaw his son’s fatally failed rite of passage, which was done in the form of hunting a Jedi Padawan. One of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy was a Trandoshan known as Bossk, who pulled jobs for various organizations, including the Galactic Empire.