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Hiring is both art and science.
Hiring is both art and science.Willie B. Thomas/Getty

Many workplace research studies may not hold insights that shock or even surprise you, but who can resist reading them for what they might offer when a small business depends on dedicated employees? Besides, every once in a while, a telltale nugget rises to the surface. For instance, that small-business owners are quick to spot a bad hiring decision, with the realization dawning on 30% of them within only a few days and the rest (70%) within three weeks.

There are several lessons to glean from this finding, not least that an organization has to be the right fit for an employee, and vice versa. Think of the time and aggravation you could spare yourself if you could accelerate this realization. Maybe you could - if you assess the five most common models of organizational behavior alongside the so-called Big Five personality traits.

Theories May Hold More Insight Than You Think

If you studied organizational behavior in college, then you have a leg up on the learning curve that all small-business owners face when they begin to hire people to work alongside them. Some of these people will flourish and become invaluable members of your team, "the lifers" you'll want to keep.


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Unless you or the candidate possess mystic powers, there is no way to foresee the future and where those lifers may be. Will you be happy with the quality of this person's work? Will he deliver on the can-do attitude he displayed during the interview? And what about the candidate? Will your small business be the right fit for him? Will the job turn out to be everything it was promised to be?

At the least, understanding organizational behavior theories can alert you to some warning signs that many business owners who made bad hiring decisions say they should have heeded sooner.

Three Influences Shape Behavior

Organizational behavior isn't some lofty, esoteric notion. It's simply the way people behave in groups. In this context, "the group" is your small business. How employees choose to act in the workplace usually depends on three influences:


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  • Leadership,
  • The intrinsic pulls of power, authority and politics,
  • Personality,

Five Models Await Your Selection

Your first "executive decision" comes in the form of choosing an organizational model that suits you and your small business. The adjectives alone provide a clue as to what they stand for:

  • Autocratic model
  • Collegial model
  • Custodial model
  • Supportive model
  • System model


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The Autocratic Model Puts Bosses Squarely in Charge

Guiding principle: This formal management style puts power, authority and decision-making in the hands of the owners and managers.

Rationale: Upper management types possess the skills and knowledge employees need to succeed.

Behavioral consequences: The model flourishes in factories, where employees are directed and guided to the point of being micromanaged. Whether it's practical in a less industrialized and more skilled environment is a fair subject of debate.


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Collegial Model Pivots on Teamwork

Guiding principle: The Collegiate model pivots on teamwork and the notion that employees working together to solve problems will help build a stronger organization.

Rationale: Empowering employees will practically guarantee that participation and innovation will flourish, especially if the owner/manager solidifies the team by serving as the "coach."

Behavioral consequences: You might call the collegial model the model of choice of tech firms, research and development companies and anyone else who must maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace. It tends to fire up employees' competitive instincts.


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Custodial Model Is Akin to a "Carrot Salad"

Guiding principle: The Custodial model seeks to engender employee loyalty by providing highly competitive salaries and benefits packages and dangling perks and other incentives like plump carrots on a stick.

Rationale: Lures not only accomplish the first goal of attracting top employees but helps to retain them too.

Behavioral consequences: Even the research is conflicted about whether financial incentives are enough to spark and maintain employee motivation. In other words, employees may stick around because the benefits are "too good" to forgo. But this doesn't mean they're happy about it or their jobs.


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Supportive Model Offers a Momentous Insight

Guiding principle: This model emphasizes the encouraging role of the owner/manager, who solicits and listens to employees' ideas and suggestions.

Rationale: Once employees' contributions are validated, they should feel a greater sense of happiness and contentment on the job. Because they begin to think of themselves as necessary to an organization, they often become "the lifers."

Behavioral consequences: The supportive model often overshadows the custodial model in workplace research, which often shows that, given a choice between getting a pay raise or getting a compliment from the boss, most employees prefer the recognition.


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System Model Strikes a Balance

Guiding principle: The System model strives to achieve a balance between the goals of the organization and the goals of the employees.

Rationale: Forging a partnership of ideals between managers and employees builds the strongest organization of all.

Behavioral consequences: As the most progressive of the five models, the System model also tilts toward adding value to an organization's customers and the community in which it resides, thereby sealing the circle of contentment among employees.


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Merge Your Model With Personality Type

Choosing a model is your prerogative, but the last thing you probably want to do is hire someone who is temperamentally unsuited to it. Many job predictor and personality tests have been developed to point up any potential gaps. The one that is among the most familiar being the Myers-Briggs personality assessment.

While this assessment enjoys widespread name recognition and credibility, its 16 classifications may be a bit much for small-business owners to navigate. A more streamlined version is the Big Five Personality Model, which advances the idea that the human personality consists of five dimensions.

The Big Five model enjoys head-turning praise from management experts, who say that test scores have been solid predictors of how people will behave in the workplace.


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You May Wish to Swim in This OCEAN

The Big Five represents personality traits with the acronym OCEAN:

  • O for openness, or someone's quest to think creatively, try untested ideas and embrace change. Employees who score high in this category demonstrate greater job satisfaction and better leadership skills.
  • C for conscientiousness, or dependability and reliability. Conscientious employees display better self-discipline and organizational skills.
  • E for extroversion. It's no surprise that high scorers in this measure of how sociable someone is with her peers tend to relate well to others. But because they tend to be more confident and assertive, they also exhibit strong leadership skills.
  • A for agreeableness - a measure of how well people try to get along with others. Easy to like and admire, high scorers mind their Ps and Qs at work and want to fit in and get the job done.
  • low

Can you do it? Can you nudge the people in your organization to behave in a certain manner simply by promoting an organizational model. Can you then perpetuate that model by hiring people who are temperamentally predisposed to succeed in it? It may require some trial and error, but of course, you can. If you're not an overachiever, you're probably a high achiever who doesn't like settling for anything but the best. And your small business deserves nothing less.


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Mary Wroblewski earned a master's degree with high honors in communications and has worked as a reporter and editor in two Chicago newsrooms. She worked alongside a noted Chicago area nutritionist and holistic healthcare adviser whose groundbreaking work focuses on the “whole” patient rather than focusing on one ailment or problem to the exclusion of everything else. Mary writes extensively about healthy eating and healthy living topics.