6 – 10 Ms) Core Collapse and Nucleosynthesis Part Variable and Explosive Stars(CH2.9 – CH2.14) Variable Stars Explosive Variables: Novae and Supernovae Exotic Stars: White dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes Binary Stars Star Formation X=0,y=0,z=1 X=-1,y=-1,z=e^-2= X=0,y=1,y=e^-1= e=2.718">
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CH2. An Overview of Stellar Evolution

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1 CH2. An Overview of Stellar Evolution
September 04, 2012 ASTR730 / CSI661 Fall 2012 Jie Zhang Copyright © CH2. An Overview of Stellar Evolution

2 Outline Part 1 ---- Basics (ASTR101) HR Diagram
Part Life Cycle of a Star (CH2.1 – CH2.8) Young Stellar Objects Zero-Age Main Sequence (ZAMS) Leaving the Main Sequence Red Giants and Supergiants Helium Flash (M < 1.5 Ms) Later Phases (M < 6 – 10 Ms) Advanced Phase (M > 6 – 10 Ms) Core Collapse and Nucleosynthesis Part Variable and Explosive Stars(CH2.9 – CH2.14) Variable Stars Explosive Variables: Novae and Supernovae Exotic Stars: White dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes Binary Stars Star Formation X=0,y=0,z=1 X=-1,y=-1,z=e^-2= X=0,y=1,y=e^-1= e=2.718 Outline Part Basics (ASTR101) HR Diagram

3 Overview – Part 1 Part 1 ---- Some basics Find distance
Find luminosity Find temperature Find composition Find mass H-R diagram References: Appendix A of the textbook “Universe” by Freedman & Kaufmann, or many other Astronomy 100-level textbooks Overview – Part 1 Part Some basics Find distance

4 4 4

5 Parallax The apparent displacement of a nearby object against a distant fixed background from two different viewpoints. Parallax The apparent displacement of a nearby object against a distant fixed background from two different viewpoints.

6 Stellar Parallax The apparent position shift of a star as the Earth moves from one side of its orbit to the other (the largest separation of two viewpoints possibly from the Earth) Stellar Parallax

7 Stellar Parallax and Distance
1 pc = 3.26 ly 1 pc = 206,265 AU = 3.09 X 1013 km Distances to the nearer stars can be determined by parallax, the apparent shift of a star against the background stars observed as the Earth moves along its orbit Stellar Parallax and Distance

8 Once a star’s distance is known ….. Luminosity and brightness
A star’s luminosity (total light output), apparent brightness, and distance from the Earth are related by the inverse-square law If any two of these quantities are known, the third can be calculated Once a star’s distance is known ….. Luminosity and brightness

9 Luminosity, Brightness and Distance
Many visible stars turn out to be more luminous than the Sun Luminosity, Brightness and Distance

10 Magnitude Scale to Denote brightness
Apparent magnitude scale is a traditional way to denote a star’s apparent brightness (~ 200 B.C. by Greek astronomer Hipparchus) First magnitude, the brightest Second magnitude, less bright Sixth magnitude, the dimmest one human naked eyes see Magnitude Scale to Denote brightness


12 Apparent Magnitude and Absolute Magnitude
Apparent magnitude (m) is a measure of a star’s apparent brightness as seen from Earth the magnitude depends on the distance of the star Absolute magnitude (M) is the apparent magnitude a star would have if it were located exactly 10 parsecs away This magnitude is independent of the distance One way to denote the intrinsic luminosity of a star in the unit of magnitude The Sun’s apparent magnitude is m= -26.7 The Sun absolute magnitude is M = +4.8 Apparent Magnitude and Absolute Magnitude

13 A star’s color depends on its surface temperature
Wien’s Law A star’s color depends on its surface temperature

14 Photometry, Filters and Color Ratios
Photometry measures the apparent brightness of a star Standard filters, such as U (Ultraviolet), B (Blue) and V (Visual, yellow-green) filters, Color ratios of a star are the ratios of brightness values obtained through different filters These ratios are a good measure of the star’s surface temperature; this is an easy way to get temperature Planck’s Law: B Photometry, Filters and Color Ratios


16 Spectroscopy- High Resolution Spectrum
E.g., Balmer lines: Hydrogen lines of transition from higher orbits to n=2 orbit; Hα (orbit 3 -> 2) at 656 nm Spectroscopy- High Resolution Spectrum

17 Classic Spectral Types
The spectral class and type of a star is directly related to its surface temperature: O stars are the hottest and M stars are the coolest Classic Spectral Types

18 Classic Spectral Types
O B A F G K M (Oh, Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me!) (mnemonic) Spectral type is directly related to temperature From O to M, the temperature decreases O type, the hottest, blue color, Temp ~ K M type, the coolest, red color, Temp ~ 3000 K Sub-classes, e.g. B0, B1…B9, A0, A1…A9 The Sun is a G2 type of star (temp K) Classic Spectral Types

19 Luminosity, Radius, and Surface Temperature
Reminder: Stefan-Boltzmann law states that a blackbody radiates electromagnetic waves with a total energy flux F directly proportional to the fourth power of the Kelvin temperature T of the object: F = T4 Luminosity, Radius, and Surface Temperature

20 Luminosity, Radius, and Surface Temperature
A more luminous star could be due to Larger size (in radius) Higher Surface Temperature Example: The first magnitude reddish star Betelgeuse is 60,000 time more luminous than the Sun and has a surface temperature of 3500 K, what is its radius (in unit of the solar radius)? R = 670 Rs (radius of the Sun) A Supergiant star Luminosity, Radius, and Surface Temperature

21 Finding Key Properties of Nearby Stars Finding Key Properties of Nearby Stars

22 Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagrams reveal the patterns of stars
The H-R diagram is a graph plotting the absolute magnitudes of stars against their spectral types—or, equivalently, their luminosities against surface temperatures There are patterns Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagrams reveal the patterns of stars

23 Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram the patterns of stars
The size can be denoted (dotted lines) 0.001 Rs To 1000 Rs Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram the patterns of stars

24 Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram the patterns of stars
Main Sequence: the band stretching diagonally from top-left (high luminosity and high surface temperature) to bottom-right (low luminosity and low surface temperature) 90% stars in this band The Sun is one of main sequence stars Hydrogen burning as energy source Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram the patterns of stars

25 Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram the patterns of stars
Main Sequence Giants upper- right side Luminous (100 – 1000 Lsun) Cool (3000 to 6000 K) Large size (10 – 100 Rsun) Supergiants Most upper-right side Luminous ( Lsun) Huge (1000 Rsun) White Dwarfs Lower-middle Dim (0.01 Lsun) Hot (10000 K) Small (0.01 Rs) Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram the patterns of stars

26 A way to obtain the mass of stars Binary Star System
Period: ~ 80 days A way to obtain the mass of stars Binary Star System

27 Binary Stars Binary stars are two stars which are held in orbit around each other by their mutual gravitational attraction, are surprisingly common Visual binaries: those that can be resolved into two distinct star images by a telescope Each of the two stars in a binary system moves in an elliptical orbit about the center of mass of the system Binary Stars Binary stars are two stars which are held in orbit around each other by their mutual gravitational attraction, are surprisingly common.

28 Binary Stars Each of the two stars in a binary system moves in an elliptical orbit about the center of mass of the system Binary Stars Each of the two stars in a binary system moves in an elliptical orbit about the center of mass of the system.

29 Binary star systems: stellar masses
The masses can be computed from measurements of the orbital period and orbital size of the system The mass ratio of M1 and M2 is inversely proportional to the distance of stars to the center of mass This formula is a generalized format of Kepler’s 3rd law When M1+M2 = 1 Msun, it reduces to a3 = P2 Binary star systems: stellar masses

30 Mass-Luminosity Relation for Main-Sequence Stars
When mass increases 10 times, luminosity increases more than 1000 times Mass-Luminosity Relation for Main-Sequence Stars

31 Mass-Luminosity Relation for Main-Sequence Stars
Masses from 0.2 MΘ to 60 MΘ The greater the mass The greater the luminosity The greater the surface temperature The greater the radius Mass-Luminosity Relation for Main-Sequence Stars

32 End 32 End 32

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