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Algol 60 John Cowan N Languages in N Months Meetup June 7, 2016

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1 Algol 60 John Cowan N Languages in N Months Meetup June 7, 2016
Copyright 2016 by John Cowan Licensed under the GNU GPL v3 Algol 60 John Cowan N Languages in N Months Meetup June 7, 2016

2 Hoare on Algol 60 “Here is a language so far ahead of its time that it was not only an improvement on its predecessors but also on nearly all its successors.” Hoare on Algol 60

3 Reports Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 60
Revised Report (1962) Mostly cleanup and clarification What is described here Modified Report (1973) Closes some long-standing issues Too little and too late (Then again, Algol 68 was too much and too soon) Reports Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 60

4 Good old factorial begin integer procedure factorial(n)
value n; integer n; begin if n = 0 then factorial := 1 else factorial := factorial(n – 1) * n end Good old factorial begin integer procedure factorial(n)

5 Syntax Literals : identifiers, numbers, strings
Expressions: arithmetic, Boolean, designational Statements: assignment, go to, procedure Complex statements: if, for, begin Declarations: variable, procedure, switch All syntax defined in Backus-Naur Form Used and defined for the first time ever Syntax Literals : identifiers, numbers, strings

6 Basic symbols Letters, digits, 10 Logical values: true, false
+ - × / ÷ ↑ < ≤ = ≥ > ≠ ≡ ⊃ ∧ ∨ ¬ , . : ; := ( ) [ ] “ ” go to, if, then, else, for, step, until, while, do begin, end, Boolean, integer, real, array switch, string, label, procedure, value Basic symbols Letters, digits, 10 Logical values: true, false

7 Basic symbols vs. identifiers
if is not if Every computer had a different character set Hardware representations: if is 'if', if is if if is IF, if is if if is if, if is unusable begin ... end could be { ... } ≡ could be eqv (in any representation) Can't use e for 10 (5e4 would be 5 followed by e4) Basic symbols vs. identifiers

8 Variable declarations
Used for both procedure parameters and local variables integer i, j, k; real a, b, c; No implicit declarations No “God is real, Jesus is an integer” rule Variable declarations

9 Assignments, arrays and conditionals
x := y + z integer array x[0:5] real array x[1:3, -5:5] c[i] = a[i] - b[i] for x[i] := … What happens if i is assigned within the loop? Modified report bans array element as loop variable if p = q then x := y else x := z x := if p = q then y else z Assignments, arrays and conditionals

10 Go to and switch go to finished go to if p = q then a else b
switch x = a, b, c, d; go to x[a] switch y = e, f, x[n], if maybe() then c else d go to y[3] go to p; comment p is a procedure argument Go to and switch go to finished go to if p = q then a else b

11 Procedure calls and declarations
procedure add(a, b, c); real a, b, c; c := a + b; procedure add(a) to: (b) giving: (c); … add(2, 3, k) add(2) to: (3) giving: (k) add(2) foo: (3) bar: (k) Procedures can be nested Procedure arguments can be procedures, strings, and even labels Procedure calls and declarations

12 Call by name Substitute the actual arguments for the formal parameters textually Substitute the body of the procedure for its call Procedure call ≡ macro expansion Implemented using thunks (zero-argument procedures) “Thunk is the past tense of think at 4 A.M.” Call by name Substitute the actual arguments for the formal parameters textually. Substitute the body of the procedure for its call.

13 Jensen's device real procedure GPS(I, N, Z, V); real I, N, Z, V; begin
for I := 1 step 1 until N do Z := V; GPS := 1 end; Z := 0; I := GPS (I, N, Z, Z+A[I] × B[I]) Jensen s device real procedure GPS(I, N, Z, V); real I, N, Z, V; begin

14 The recursion wars Recursion is powerful (Europeans & Lispers)
Non-recursion is efficient (Fortranites) Local variables and return address can be static Compromise: add recursive keyword Compromise rejected, ambiguously “Any occurrence of the procedure identifier within the body of the procedure other than in a left part in an assignment statement denotes activation of the procedure.” The recursion wars Recursion is powerful (Europeans & Lispers)

15 Strings “a b c”: five symbols “if then else”: five symbols
“if “this is a nested string”!”: five symbols! Modified Report: strings contain characters, nested strings are used for escapes “line 1“NL”line 2” Strings can only be passed to procedures They bottom out in non-Algol code Strings a b c : five symbols if then else : five symbols

16 For loops for j := 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 do … for j := 1 step 2 until 9 do … for j := 1, j + 1 while j < 20 do … for dummy := 0 while go on() do … comment classic while loop; for j : = 5 step -1 until 0 do … What happens if step changes sign? Modified Report: step is eager, until is lazy For loops for j := 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 do … for j := 1 step 2 until 9 do … for j := 1, j + 1 while j < 20 do …

17 Own variables own x ≡ own real x
Visible only in the declared scope, like local variables Value survives exit from the scope Dynamic own arrays: own real array x[i:j] What does it mean on the next entry? Own variables own x ≡ own real x

18 Own vs. recursion procedure call myself(k); value k; integer k; begin
own integer j; if k = 1 then begin j := 1; call myself(2); call myself(3); end else j := j + 1; comment what is j? end Own vs. recursion procedure call myself(k); value k; integer k; begin

19 What killed Algol? Not enough support in the U.S.
IBM was pushing Fortran hard Burroughs built Algol hardware, but not popular No structures except arrays No effective portability between machines Too many representations Too many subsets No standard I/O until the Modified Report What killed Algol Not enough support in the U.S.

20 Structures in 1960 01 MAILING-RECORD. 05 COMPANY-NAME PIC X(30).

21 Algol family IAL > Algol 58 > Algol 60 > RR > MR
Algol was heavily used for published algorithms Forks: Simula > Simula 67 > (C++) Algol 68 Algol W > Pascal > Ada Scheme (in spirit) CPL > BCPL > B > C > C++, D, Java, C#, etc. Algol family IAL > Algol 58 > Algol 60 > RR > MR

22 Algol implementations today
GNU Marst (compiler to C) Nase A60 (interpreter) Algol60i (interpreter written in Python) Racket Algol 60 (compiler to Scheme) Cim (Simula 67 compiler, near-superset) Algol implementations today

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