The First House - The House of Self - 1st House in Astrology, Meaning, Ruling Planets, Ruling Zodiac SignsIn astrology, the first house is known as the sign of the self. It connotes who somebody is; their identity. This implies that the body, the psyche and the behaviors are to a great extent impacted by this house and any planet or astrological point that is situated inside it. Everything that is related to appearance fal
Home Buying Tips To Save ThousandsBuying your first home? Make sure to check out these home buying tips that can save you thousands of dollars. Learn by our mistakes!
Tips & Checklist for Moving to a New Home - Akram's IdeasHelpful tips ,checklists and printables, to keep you organized and on track when it comes to moving to a new home.
Tips for the First-Time HomebuyerIf you’re looking for a home as a first-time homebuyer, here are the steps to take before making an offer on a new house.
Move in Day EssentialsIn April of this year we decided to put our house on the market. We were bursting at the seams, and although we had amazing neighbors and so many memories in that house, we just…