Roohani Sharma

Hello, I am a Researcher at the Department of Informatics, University of Bergen. Prior to this, I was a Lise-Meitner Post-doctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Germany. I did my PhD from Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India.

My primary area of research is parameterized complexity and kernelization. I am also interested in the intersection of the above paradigms with approximation, like FPT-approximation and lossy kernelization

In the above paradigms, I (have) work(ed) on various kinds of graph problems that can be grouped into different categories: cut, connectivity, CSPs, clustering, covering, packing, partitioning, width-measures, geomteric graph classes and graph drawing.

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You can contact me at r.sharma[AT] uib [DOT] no or [first-name].[last-name]90 [AT] gmail [DOT] com.