Radhakrishnan Delhibabu (இராதாகிருஷ்ணன் டில்லிபாபு)
Full Position
School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCOPE)
VIT University
Office no: 411A38, Vellore
Tamilnadu, India - 632 014
+91 (416) 220 2811
Date of birth: 30/05/1982
Teaching experience - since 02/01/2007
Researcher's experience - since 01/06/2004
Industrial experience - 01/12/2003 to 31/12/2006
Academic degree (Main)
Doctoral of Science (D.Sc) in Mathematical Logic (ongoing) -Kazan Federal University, Russia
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Computer Science (2014) - RWTH Aachen, Germany & Anna Uni, IN
Master of Computer Science (M.Sc) (2004) - Madras Uni, Chennai, India
Bachelor of Computer Science (B.Sc) (2002) - Madras Uni, Chennai, India
Academic degree (Additional in CSE)
Master of Computer Science and Engineering (ME) (2009) - Vinayaka Mission, Salam, India
Master of Philosophy in Computer Science (M.Phil) (2005) - Bharathidasan Uni, Trichy, India
Academic degree (Additional in Management)
Master of Business Administration in Management (MBA) (2007) - Madurai Kamaraj University
Diploma in Software Marketing - (PGDSM) (2003) - Pondicherry University, India
Academic degree (Additional in Management)
Master of Philosophy in Education (M.Phil) (2010) - PRIST University, India
Master in Education (M.Ed) (2008) - Periyar University, India
Bachelor in Education (B.Ed)(2006) - Madras Uni, Chennai, India
Additional information
Author ID at Scopus: 55582493200
ResearecherID: F-3356-2014
MathSciNet: 1009728
Google Scholar, DBLP, Research-Gate, ORCiD, zbMATH
Erasmus Mundus fellowship at RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany (June 2010 to May 2013)
Ph.D. Fellowship sponsored by SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India (Jan 2007 - May 2010)
GATE’06 in Computer Science and Engineering - 91.84% All India Percentage
JEST’06 in Computer Science - 93 All India Rank
Marquis Who's Who - Top 3% of the professionals in the world.
Rashtriya Gaurav Award - Indian International Friendship Society
Best Paper Award: 1 and Best Talk Award: 1
Email: rdelhibabu@gmail.com, rdelhibabu@vit.ac.in Mobile (Telegram): +91 8754589478 and +91 90809087 Skype: rdelhibabu Facebook: r.delhibabu VK: rdelhibabu Linkedin: Radhakrishnan Delhibabu Twitter: @rdelhibabu