Hello, I am an Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) at the Computer Science department of the University of Bath, UK, and a visiting Professor at Aalto University, Finland. I work on large-scale machine learning problems particularly in Extreme Classification, sparse neural network training and learning with imperfect supervision. Looking for motivated research assistants, please email at firstname.lastname@aalto.fi

Before this, I was a post-doc at Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tuebingen, Germany in the group of Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf. I finished my PhD from University of Grenoble, France where I was advised by Prof. Eric Gaussier and Prof. Massih-Reza Amini, and a Master degree from Chennai Mathematical Institute.

I am looking for motivated PhD students to join my group at the University of Bath, UK. We are working on exciting problems on sparse and memory/energy efficient neural networks for large output spaces, and Large Language Models going forward. Two of our recent works in this area have been published in NeurIPS 2024 and ECML 2023. Please reach out at rb2608--AT--bath.ac.uk, if you are interested in joining!

Selected Publications  (Google scholar)