Wayne Justice CPE
Wayne Justice, Canaveral Port Authority Commission Chairman.
Wayne Justice is Vice Chairman of the Canaveral Port Authority. He has been an active leader in the direction and diversification of Port Canaveral. He is a respected leader in the industry and an Instructor in the Certified Port Executive Program.
A Coast Guard Academy and Naval War College graduate, he spent 37 years in the Coast Guard, with 15 of those assigned in Florida. Justice had 12 years on cutters, specializing in counter drug, illegal migrant, and search and rescue patrols. He retired as a Rear (2 star) Admiral.
He retired from command of the Fifth Coast Guard District, was Seventh Coast Guard District Chief of Staff and Coast Guard Aide to President’s Bush and Clinton.
His shipboard assignments included command of cutters that seized 40 drug smuggling vessels, over 140 tons of marijuana and cocaine, arrested over 135smugglers and interdicted and rescued over 4500 Haitian, Chinese, Ecuadorian and Cuban migrants.
Rear Admiral Justice graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Management from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in 1977. He received his Master of Science degree in Human Resource Management with Honours from Nova University in 1983. He received a Master of Arts degree from the U.S. Naval War College, College of Naval Warfare, in Strategic Studies, in 1996.
His personal awards include the Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion if Merit(four awards), Meritorious Service Medal(three awards), and Coast Guard Commendation Medal(four awards).