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How to contact me

I’m always glad almost always glad to hear from you.

But the reality is that I can’t possibly reply to all the email I get, and it makes me a little crazy. (Email that asks me to do something, for instance, is almost always problematic.)


  • Feel free to write me at
  • I will always read everything that comes in, even if I’m not always able to respond.

But please do me a favor:

  • Before you write, take a look at the FAQ list (over there >>) to see if your question is answered there.
  • Understand that there’s a chance you may not get a reply if the answer is in the FAQ. (But don’t let that stop you from writing.)


Why haven't you answered my email?

You may already know why. Think about it for a minute.

For instance, did you ask me to do your homework assignment for you? (People actually do this, a lot: “Could you please answer these three questions?”)

Or did you ask me if I could just take a quick look at your web site and tell you what I think? (See the next FAQ.)

And sometimes life just gets so crowded with “stuff” that even if I want to answer your email, it can take me a very long time to get around to everyone. Don’t necessariliy give up hope; you may hear from me months later.

Can you take a quick look at my web site and tell me what you think?

I really wish I could, but unfortunately there’s really no such thing as a quick look. I can never seem to do it in less than an hour, and I’m afraid if I did it for everyone who asks I’ve never get anything else done. Sorry.

How do I get started in the exciting, high paying field of UX/usability?

I’m afraid I don’t have much useful advice to offer because I got into the business a long time ago when there were no real job requirements and very little competition. The truth is I don’t think I could get a job like mine nowadays.

You’ve probably already tried or thought of the things I’d recommend.

But I do have one very good piece of advice in my blog that I learned from someone else.

Do you still teach workshops?

I taught workshops for years, and loved doing it.

But since UX has boomed there are an awful lot of people out there offering them, and since I have a bunch of other things I really want to do, I don’t teach public workshops anymore.

But I can still sometimes be talked into doing an in-house workshop—remotely, for the time being—to teach your team how to do usability testing. It costs about $15k for a full day workshop. Send me email if you’re interested.

I sent you a DM on twitter, but you never replied. What's up with that?

Two things:

  • I don’t check twitter very often, and
  • I’m not a big fan of “chatting” via DM.

If you want to get my attention, it’s much better to send me an email.