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Using the Synthetics API for fetching and creating monitors

In addition to scheduled monitor runs, you can also trigger monitor runs by using an API. You can use this API to trigger monitor runs as part of your CI/CD pipeline and block deployments if runs fail. When a run fails, you'll be alerted via your configured alert notification hooks. The run monitor API can be used to:

  • Test the APIs, websites, and the user journeys in your PR and staging environments and annotate the pull requests with the results.
  • Test the APIs, websites, and the user journeys in production immediately after deployment and alert when it fails.
  • Track and catch major changes in website metrics like page load time, page size, request count, 3rd Party API performance, etc introduced as part of code changes.

Together with scheduled monitor runs, the API can also be used in the creation of HTTP and Browser monitors, both with and without a User Journey script. The create monitor API can be used to add multiple monitors in bulk using a script. The create monitor API can be used to:

  • Create single HTTP and Browser monitors, with and without a User Journey script.
  • Create multiple HTTP and Browser monitors at once.

Run Monitor API

The run monitor API can be triggered by sending an HTTP request with the below configuration:

US Region Endpoint


EU Region Endpoint


HTTP Method - POST

Request Headers - Authorization: apiKey <apiKey>

Request Body

        "monitorId": <monitorId-1>,
        "locations": [<locationId-1>, <locationId-2>,...],
        "monitorId": <monitorId-2>,
        "locations": [<locationId-1>, <locationId-2>,...],

Getting the apiKey

Your account's <apiKey> can be copied from the Settings -> API page, which can be found:

  • here, if your account is registered in the US region, or
  • here, for the EU region

Getting the appId

  • The <appId> and <monitorId> values can be extracted from the URL of the Monitor Overview page. For example, if the Monitor Overview page URL is then the appId is 12345 and monitorId is 276.

Getting the locationId

  • <locationId> - List of locations to run the monitor from. If not specified, the monitor will be run from all locations specified in the monitor configuration. The supported locations are:
Location ID Location
us-east-1 N. Virginia, USA
eu-west-1 Ireland
ap-south-1 Mumbai, India
ap-southeast-1 Singapore
ap-southeast-2 Sydney, Australia
eu-central-1 Frankfurt, Germany
sa-east-1 São Paulo, Brazil
us-west-1 N. California, USA

Example Request

The below API triggers runs for monitors with ID 276 and 335 belonging to App with ID 12345 from locations N.Virginia, USA, Mumbai, India and N.Virginia, USA, Ireland, Europe respectively.

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: apiKey 1d7a2d6b-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-10f83c5c8da7' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '[
        "monitorId": 276,
        "regions": ["us-east-1","ap-south-1"]
        "monitorId": 335,
        "regions": ["us-east-1","eu-west-1"]

Customize Request Configuration

There are cases where you might want to customize request parameters depending on the environment. For example, the deployment URL for running the monitor in a PR environment or a different HTTP header for the staging environment. You can pass these custom configurations as part of run monitor API data. When the custom values are passed the configured values for scheduled runs will be overridden with the custom values.

For HTTP monitors, the following fields can be customized:

  • URL
  • Request Headers
  • Request Cookies
  • Request Params
  • Request Body

Below is an example where we are override the HTTP configuration parameters:

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: apiKey 1d7a2d6b-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-10f83c5c8da7' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '[
        "monitorId": 276,
        "url": "",
        "headers": [
                "name": "Authorization",
                "value": "pr-env-key"

For Browser monitors, the URL of the website can be customized.

For Browser monitors with a script, you can pass custom parameters as variables, that could be referenced in the script.

Customize Output Format

By default the API output will be in JSON format. While invoking the API in build pipelines, it might be useful to display the output in a table format, so that the output could be easily interpreted. To get the output in table format, set the Accept header to text/plain. The API response contains the summary of the request and lists the individual run results with the link to the run result page. Below is an example request along with the output:

curl -s --request POST --url --header 'authorization: apiKey 1d7e2d6b-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-10f83c5a8da7' --header 'accept: text/plain'        --header 'content-type: application/json' --data '[{"monitorId": 276}]' 
All monitors passed successfully.
Name            ID  Region      Status  Conditions  URL
AllLocations    276 us-east-1   passed  3/3 Passed
AllLocations    276 us-west-1   passed  3/3 Passed
AllLocations    276 ap-south-1  passed  3/3 Passed

Monitor Overview API

The monitor overview API can be invoked by sending an HTTP request with the below configuration:

Region Endpoint

HTTP Method - GET

Request Headers - Authorization: apiKey <apiKey>

Getting the apiKey

  • Your account's <apiKey> can be copied from the Settings -> API page.

Getting the appId

The <appId> can be obtained by sending a GET request using the above request header and <apiKey> to the required endpoint:

Region Endpoint


curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: apiKey 9bddb0a6-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-397d15806cfd'


  "success": true,
  "message": null,
  "data": {
    "apps": [
        "id": 15642,
        "name": "My Synthetics App",
        "appType": "Synthetics",
        "appTypeId": 40000,

From the above response, we can determine that the <appId> for the Synthetics App named My Synthetics App is 15642.

API Reference

Key Type Value Description
success BOOLEAN -- API call response status
true Successful
false Failed
data Array of JSON Objects *See API Reference: data Monitor overview response data

API Reference: data

Key Type Value Description
id INTEGER Variable <monitorId> of the monitor
name STRING Variable Name of the monitor
interval STRING -- Interval the monitor is set to run
1m 1 minute intervals
5m 5 minute intervals
10m 10 minute intervals
15m 15 minute intervals
intervalInSeconds INTEGER -- Interval the monitor is set to run in seconds
60 1 minute intervals
300 5 minute intervals
600 10 minute intervals
900 15 minute intervals
enabled BOOLEAN -- Monitor is Enabled/Disabled
true Enabled state
false Disabled state
locations ARRAY -- Locations the monitor is set to run from
1 N. Virginia, USA
2 Ireland
3 Mumbai, India
4 Singapore
5 Sydney, Australia
6 Frankfurt, Germany
7 Sao Paulo, Brazil
8 N. California, USA
lastScheduledAt INTEGER Variable Last scheduled run of the monitor (Epoch milliseconds)
status STRING -- Current status of the monitor
PASSING Monitor is passing
FAILING Monitor is failing
appId INTEGER Variable <appId> of the monitor's parent App
type STRING -- Type of monitor
HTTP Is an HTTP Monitor
BROWSER Is a Browser Monitor
conditions Array of JSON Objects *See API Reference: conditions Alert conditions
lastFailedResult JSON Object *See API Reference: lastFailedResult Last failed run
availability JSON Object *See API Reference: availability Average overall availability

API Reference: conditions

Key Type Value Description
id INTEGER Variable <ruleId> of the alert condition
type STRING -- Alert condition type
SSL_CERT_EXPIRY SSL Certificate Expiry (days)
key STRING -- Alert condition field
synthetics.http.time.dns DNS time (ms)
synthetics.http.time.connect Connect time (ms)
synthetics.http.time.tls TLS time (ms)
synthetics.http.time.firstbyte Time to first byte (ms) Download time (ms)
synthetics.browser.transfer.size Bytes Transferred (Bytes)
synthetics.browser.request.count Request Count
synthetics.time.response Response time (ms)
synthetics.http.response.size Response size (bytes)
Variable JSON path/Header name
operator STRING -- Operator type
contains Contains
does not contain Does Not Contain
> Greater Than
< Less Than
= Equal To
!= Not Equal To
Starts With Starts With
value STRING Variable Rule value
enabled BOOLEAN -- Condition is Enabled/Disabled
true Condition enabled
false Condition disabled

API Reference: lastFailedResult

Key Type Value Description
timestamp INTEGER Variable Last failed run of the monitor (Epoch milliseconds)
runId INTEGER Variable <runId> of the failed run

API Reference: availability

Key Type Value Description
day INTEGER Variable Daily availability % (5 decimals)
week INTEGER Variable Weekly availability % (5 decimals)
month INTEGER Variable Monthly availability % (5 decimals)
custom INTEGER 0 N/A


To query the monitor overview API for a Synthetics App with an <appId> of 15642, we would run the following:

curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: apiKey 9bddb0a6-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-397d15806cfd'


  "success": true,
  "data": [
      "id": 7463,
      "name": "My HTTP Monitor",
      "interval": "1m",
      "intervalInSeconds": 60,
      "enabled": true,
      "locations": {
        "2": "Ireland",
        "6": "Frankfurt, Germany"
      "lastScheduledAt": 1658418224000,
      "status": "PASSING",
      "appId": 15642,
      "type": "HTTP",
      "conditions": [
          "id": 9602,
          "type": "ERROR",
          "value": "",
          "operator": "=",
          "enabled": true
          "id": 9603,
          "type": "RESPONSE_CODE",
          "value": "200",
          "operator": "=",
          "enabled": true
          "id": 9604,
          "type": "METRIC",
          "key": "synthetics.time.response",
          "value": "20000",
          "operator": "<",
          "enabled": true
      "availability": {
        "day": 99.56982,
        "week": 99.57245,
        "month": 99.42566,
        "custom": 0

Create Monitor API

The create monitor API can be triggered by sending an HTTP request with the below configuration:

Type Region Endpoint
Browser Monitor US<appId>/monitors/browser
Browser Monitor EU<appId>/monitors/browser
HTTP Monitor US<appId>/monitors/http
HTTP Monitor EU<appId>/monitors/http

HTTP Method - POST

Request Headers - Authorization: apiKey <apiKey>

Getting the apiKey

  • <apiKey> of your account can be copied from Settings -> API page.

Getting the appId

  • The <appId> and <monitorId> values can be extracted from the URL of the Monitor Overview page. For example, if the Monitor Overview page URL is then the appId is 12345 and monitorId is 276.
  • The <appId> can also be obtained by sending a GET request using the above request header and <apiKey> to the required endpoint:
Region Endpoint


curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: apiKey 9bddb0a6-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-397d15806cfd'


  "success": true,
  "message": null,
  "data": {
    "apps": [
        "id": 17174,
        "name": "Bulk API Test",
        "appType": "Synthetics",
        "appTypeId": 40000,

From the above response, we can determine that the <appId> for the Synthetics App named Bulk API Test is 17174.

API Reference

Browser Monitor

Key Type Value Description Required
name STRING User-defined Title of the monitor YES
interval STRING -- Interval to run the monitor YES
1m 1 minute intervals
5m 5 minute intervals
10m 10 minute intervals
15m 15 minute intervals
enabled BOOLEAN -- Enable/Disable the monitor YES
true Enabled state
false Disabled state
locations ARRAY -- Locations to run the monitor from YES
1 N. Virginia, USA
2 Ireland
3 Mumbai, India
4 Singapore
5 Sydney, Australia
6 Frankfurt, Germany
7 Sao Paulo, Brazil
8 N. California, USA
url STRING User-defined URL to monitor YES - Empty for User Journey
script STRING User-defined User Journey script YES - Empty for Website Monitor
scriptBased BOOLEAN -- Browser Monitor mode YES
true Monitor a User Journey
false Monitor a Website
conditions Array of JSON Objects *See API Reference: conditions Alert Conditions YES
alertRule JSON Object *See API Reference: alertRule Alert Settings YES
allowInsecureSSL BOOLEAN -- SSL Certificate validation YES
true Skip SSL Certificate validation
false Validate SSL Certificates

HTTP Monitor

Key Type Value Description Required
name STRING User-defined Title of the monitor YES
interval STRING -- Interval to run the monitor YES
1m 1 minute intervals
5m 5 minute intervals
10m 10 minute intervals
15m 15 minute intervals
enabled BOOLEAN -- Enable/Disable the monitor YES
true Enabled state
false Disabled state
locations ARRAY -- Locations to run the monitor from YES
1 N. Virginia, USA
2 Ireland
3 Mumbai, India
4 Singapore
5 Sydney, Australia
6 Frankfurt, Germany
7 Sao Paulo, Brazil
8 N. California, USA
url STRING User-defined URL to monitor YES
method STRING -- HTTP method YES
GET Perform a GET request
POST Perform a POST request
PUT Perform a PUT request
DELETE Perform a DELETE request
PATCH Perform a PATCH request
body STRING User-defined Request body NO - Optional
headers Array of JSON Objects *See API Reference: headers Request headers NO - Optional
params Array of JSON Objects *See API Reference: params Request params NO - Optional
cookies Array of JSON Objects *See API Reference: cookies Request cookies NO - Optional
conditions Array of JSON Objects *See API Reference: conditions Alert Conditions YES
alertRule JSON Object *See API Reference: alertRule Alert Settings YES
monitorSSLExpiry BOOLEAN -- Alert when SSL certificate is expiring in 28, 14, 7, and 3 days YES
true SSL expiry alert enabled
false SSL expiry alert disabled
monitorSSLChange BOOLEAN -- Alert when SSL certificate change is detected YES
true SSL certificate change alert enabled
false SSL certificate change alert disabled
allowInsecureSSL BOOLEAN -- SSL Certificate validation YES
true Skip SSL Certificate validation
false Validate SSL Certificates

API Reference: headers

Key Type Value Description Required
Name STRING User-defined Custom header name YES
Value STRING User-defined Custom header value YES

API Reference: params

Key Type Value Description Required
Name STRING User-defined Custom parameter name YES
Value STRING User-defined Custom parameter value YES

API Reference: cookies

Key Type Value Description Required
Name STRING User-defined Custom cookie name YES
Value STRING User-defined Custom cookie value YES

API Reference: conditions

Key Type Value Description Required
id INTEGER User-defined Alert condition line number YES
type STRING -- Alert condition type YES
RESPONSE_BODY Response Body Only for HTTP monitor
RESPONSE_BODY_JSON Response Body JSON Only for HTTP monitor
RESPONSE_HEADER Response Header Only for HTTP monitor
RESPONSE_CODE Response Code Only for HTTP monitor
SSL_CERT_EXPIRY SSL Certificate Expiry (days) *Only > operator available
key STRING -- Alert condition field Only for the following value in type:
synthetics.http.time.dns DNS time (ms) METRIC
synthetics.http.time.connect Connect time (ms) METRIC
synthetics.http.time.tls TLS time (ms) METRIC
synthetics.http.time.firstbyte Time to first byte (ms) METRIC Download time (ms) METRIC
synthetics.browser.transfer.size Bytes Transferred (Bytes) METRIC - Only for Browser monitor
synthetics.browser.request.count Request Count METRIC - Only for Browser monitor
synthetics.time.response Response time (ms) METRIC
synthetics.http.response.size Response size (bytes) METRIC
User-defined Header name RESPONSE_HEADER
operator STRING -- Operator type YES
contains Contains *See API Reference: operator
does not contain Does Not Contain *See API Reference: operator
> Greater Than *See API Reference: operator
< Less Than *See API Reference: operator
= Equal To *See API Reference: operator
!= Not Equal To *See API Reference: operator
Starts With Starts With *See API Reference: operator
value STRING User-defined Rule value YES
enabled BOOLEAN -- Enable/Disable the line YES
true Line enabled
false Line disabled

API Reference: operator

HTTP Monitor

Operator Alert Condition Availability
Contains --
Response Body
Response Body JSON
Response Header
Response Code
Does Not Contain --
Response Body
Response Body JSON
Response Header
Response Code
> --
Response Body JSON
Response Code
SSL Certificate Expiry (days)
< --
Response Body JSON
Response Code
= --
Response Body
Response Body JSON
Response Header
Response Code
!= --
Response Body
Response Body JSON
Response Header
Response Code
Starts With --
Response Body
Response Body JSON
Response Header
Response Code

Browser Monitor

Operator Alert Condition Availability
Contains Error
Does Not Contain --
> Metric
< Metric
= --
!= --
Starts With Error

API Reference: alertRule

Key Type Value Description Required
schedule Array of JSON Objects *See API Reference: schedule Notifications Schedule YES
priority STRING -- Alert priority YES
WARN Warning
minDelayBetweenNotificationsInMinutes INTEGER 1-90 Delay in minutes between notifications (1-90) YES
backToNormalNeeded BOOLEAN -- Alert when the value goes back to non-alert level YES
true Enabled
false Disabled
failedRunCountToAlert INTEGER 1-5 Alert after N failed runs from a location (1-5) YES
notificationsEnabled BOOLEAN -- Enable/Disable notifications YES
true Enable notifications
false Disable notifications
useOnlyAlertRuleIntegrations BOOLEAN -- Use account-default notification hooks for this alert YES
true Enable account-default notification hooks
false Disable account-default notification hooks

API Reference: schedule

Key Type Value Description Required
day STRING -- Day of the week YES
Monday Monday
Tuesday Tuesday
Wednesday Wednesday
Thursday Thursday
Friday Friday
Saturday Saturday
Sunday Sunday
index INTEGER -- Day index YES
1 Sunday
2 Monday
3 Tuesday
4 Wednesday
5 Thursday
6 Friday
7 Saturday
label STRING -- Day label YES
MON Monday
TUE Tuesday
WED Wednesday
THU Thursday
FRI Friday
SAT Saturday
SUN Sunday
intervals Array of JSON Objects *See API Reference: intervals Notifications Schedule YES - Empty for All Day or Inactive
type STRING -- Schedule Type YES
CUSTOM Intervals
INACTIVE Inactive All Day

API Reference: intervals

Key Type Value Description Required
start STRING HH:MM Start time HH:MM YES

Create a Browser Monitor

When creating a Browser Monitor which uses a User Journey script, special characters in the User Journey script should be correctly escaped. To create a Browser Monitor which monitors a URL using a User Journey script, we would send an HTTP request as follows:

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: apiKey 9bddb0a6-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-397d15806cfd' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "name": "Example Browser Monitor with a User Journey script",
    "interval": "10m",
    "enabled": true,
    "locations": [
    "url": "",
    "script": "// Example script\n async function testPage(page) {\n   await page.goto(\"\");\n   await page.screenshot({ path: '\''screenshot.jpg'\'' });\n }\n module.exports = testPage;",
    "scriptBased": true,
    "conditions": [
            "id": 1,
            "type": "ERROR",
            "operator": "=",
            "value": "",
            "enabled": true
            "id": 2,
            "type": "METRIC",
            "key": "synthetics.time.response",
            "operator": "<",
            "value": "20000",
            "enabled": true
    "alertRule": {
        "schedule": [
                "day": "Monday",
                "index": 2,
                "label": "MON",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Tuesday",
                "index": 3,
                "label": "TUE",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Wednesday",
                "index": 4,
                "label": "WED",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Thursday",
                "index": 5,
                "label": "THU",
                "intervals": [
                     "start": "12:00",
                     "end": "13:00"
                     "start": "12:00",
                     "end": "13:00"
                "type": "CUSTOM"
                "day": "Friday",
                "index": 6,
                "label": "FRI",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Saturday",
                "index": 7,
                "label": "SAT",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Sunday",
                "index": 1,
                "label": "SUN",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
        "priority": "WARN",
        "minDelayBetweenNotificationsInMinutes": "10",
        "backToNormalNeeded": true,
        "failedRunCountToAlert": 1,
        "notificationsEnabled": true,
        "useOnlyAlertRuleIntegrations": false

To create a Browser Monitor which monitors a URL without using a User Journey script, we would send an HTTP request as follows:

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: apiKey 9bddb0a6-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-397d15806cfd' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "name": "Example browser monitor without a User Journey script",
    "interval": "10m",
    "enabled": true,
    "locations": [
    "url": "",
    "script": "",
    "scriptBased": false,
    "conditions": [
            "id": 1,
            "type": "ERROR",
            "operator": "=",
            "value": "",
            "enabled": true
            "id": 2,
            "type": "METRIC",
            "key": "synthetics.time.response",
            "operator": "<",
            "value": "20000",
            "enabled": true
    "alertRule": {
        "schedule": [
                "day": "Monday",
                "index": 2,
                "label": "MON",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Tuesday",
                "index": 3,
                "label": "TUE",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Wednesday",
                "index": 4,
                "label": "WED",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Thursday",
                "index": 5,
                "label": "THU",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Friday",
                "index": 6,
                "label": "FRI",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Saturday",
                "index": 7,
                "label": "SAT",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Sunday",
                "index": 1,
                "label": "SUN",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
        "priority": "WARN",
        "minDelayBetweenNotificationsInMinutes": "10",
        "backToNormalNeeded": true,
        "failedRunCountToAlert": 1,
        "notificationsEnabled": true,
        "useOnlyAlertRuleIntegrations": false

Create an HTTP Monitor

To create an HTTP Monitor, we would send an HTTP request as follows:

curl -L -X POST '' \
-H 'Authorization: apiKey 9bddb0a6-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-397d15806cfd' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "name": "Example HTTP monitor name",
    "interval": "1m",
    "enabled": true,
    "locations": [
    "url": "",
    "method": "GET",
    "conditions": [
            "id": 1,
            "type": "ERROR",
            "operator": "=",
            "value": "",
            "enabled": true
            "id": 2,
            "type": "RESPONSE_CODE",
            "operator": "=",
            "value": "200",
            "enabled": true
            "id": 3,
            "type": "METRIC",
            "key": "synthetics.time.response",
            "operator": "<",
            "value": "20000",
            "enabled": true
    "alertRule": {
        "schedule": [
                "day": "Monday",
                "index": 2,
                "label": "MON",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Tuesday",
                "index": 3,
                "label": "TUE",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Wednesday",
                "index": 4,
                "label": "WED",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Thursday",
                "index": 5,
                "label": "THU",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Friday",
                "index": 6,
                "label": "FRI",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Saturday",
                "index": 7,
                "label": "SAT",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
                "day": "Sunday",
                "index": 1,
                "label": "SUN",
                "intervals": [],
                "type": "ACTIVE"
        "priority": "WARN",
        "minDelayBetweenNotificationsInMinutes": "10",
        "backToNormalNeeded": true,
        "failedRunCountToAlert": 1,
        "notificationsEnabled": true,
        "useOnlyAlertRuleIntegrations": false
    "monitorSSLExpiry": true,
    "monitorSSLChange": true,
    "allowInsecureSSL": false

Get all Monitors for an App

To get all the available monitors for an App, the API can be triggered by sending an HTTP request with the below configuration:

Region Endpoint

HTTP Method - GET

Request Headers - Authorization: apiKey <apiKey>


In order to get all the available monitors for the App with an <appId> of 17174, we would send an HTTP request as follows:

curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: apiKey 9bddb0a6-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-397d15806cfd'


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "id": 3124,
    "name": "Example HTTP monitor",

In the above example we can see that the <monitorId> for the Example HTTP monitor is 3124. Using the obtained <monitorId>, we can then perform an API request to retrieve only information on the Example HTTP monitor.

Get a single Monitor for an App

To get information on a single monitor for an App, the API can be triggered by sending an HTTP request with the below configuration:

Region Endpoint

HTTP Method - GET

Request Headers - Authorization: apiKey <apiKey>


In order to get information on the monitor with a <monitorId> of 3124 for the App with <appId> equal to 17174, we would send an HTTP request as follows:

curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: apiKey 9bddb0a6-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-397d15806cfd'


  "success": true,
  "data": {
    "id": 3124,
    "name": "Example HTTP monitor",