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Sematext Common Schema

Tags are sent by the Sematext Agent as part of every data point or log event and they are shown in UI as filters.

The following tags should not be used as custom tags or in in App agent YAMLs.

Common Tags

The tags below are applicable to all metrics/logs types:

Tag Name Description Synonymous Tags Hostname of the host where the agent is running host, hostname,,,
token Sematext App Token
measurement Reserved as per Influx Line Protocol
tag.alias.type Denotes the Tag Alias type

Logs Tags

Refer to this list of default fields for Logs Apps. The tags below are applicable to all logs types:

Tag Name Description Synonymous Tags A single-valued field and should contain the ID, typically a hostname, of the device or server sending logs.
source A single-valued field and should contain the ID or descriptor of where the data is coming from. For example, this could be a file name or even a full path to a filename, or the name of the application or process
message A string field that can contain any sort of text (usually the original log line or some other free text).
@timestamp A date field, on which log retention is based. If it's not present, it will be added automatically when the log event is received by Sematext. See Supported Date Formats.
facility A single-valued field used by syslog to indicate the facility level. Sematext stores the keyword values of these levels (such as user or auth).
severity A single-valued field and should contain the log level, such as error or info.
syslog-tag A single-valued field used by syslog to indicate the name and the PID of the application generating the event (for example, httpd[215]:).
tags A multi-valued array field that can contain zero or more tags (for example, "tags": ["solr", "search"]). When searching for logs with these tags you can filter by using tags:solr AND tags:search. Tags can also contain multiple tokens separated by space, but they are still treated as a single value (for example. "tags": ["solr search"]).
geo.ip IP address defining the location associated with the log line
geo.location A latitude and longitude defining the location associated with the log line
geo.city_name The city associated with the log line
geo.region The region associated with the log line
geo.region_iso_code The region ISO code assiciated with the region in the log line
geo.country_name The country associated with the log line
geo.country_iso_code The ISO code associated with the country in the log line
geo.continent_name The continent associated with the log line Synthetics request ID unique to each monitor run. Learn more A reserved field for errors
error.message A reserved field for errors
error.type A reserved field for errors Building block of a trace in distributed tracing Building block of a trace in distributed tracing

All of these fields are optional, but their use is strongly encouraged. If found in logs with low-enough cardinality, all distinct values of these fields will be loaded and shown in the UI as filters and thus allowing one to very quickly narrow down the search.

Operating System Tags

Below are the OS related tags sent as part of OS metrics/logs. They are collected from the host the Sematext Agent is running on. They're mapped to the tag.

Tag Name Description
os.disk Human readable name of the block device
os.disk.mountpoint Mount point for the disk in the file system
os.disk.fs.type Type of the file system associated with the device Name of the network interface
os.uuid Unique ID based on SMBIOS specification Distribution name of the OS. e.g. ubuntu
os.distro.version Version of the OS. e.g. 16.04
os.kernel Version of the Kernel. e.g. 4.4.0-130-generic Name of the OS. e.g. linux
os.arch Name of the architecture e.g. amd64
jvm.version Version of JVM, if available in PATH
virtualization Virtualization Type. Possible values are BareMetal, VM, Container
- All user-defined container labels. These tag are mapped to and

Cloud Tags

The cloud metadata from AWS, Azure and GCE instances are collected as tags. They're mapped to the tag.

Tag Name Description Supported Cloud Providers
cloud.type Provider Type AWS, GCE, Azure Instance Identifier AWS, GCE, Azure Instance Name Azure, GCE
cloud.instance.type Instance Type AWS, GCE, Azure
cloud.region Region AWS, Azure Availability Zone AWS, GCE
cloud.project Project Identifier GCE
- User-defined tags AWS, GCE, Azure

To collect user-defined cloud tags from AWS, Azure or GCE environment you need to define the IAM roles listed below:

  1. AWS - EC2 Instances should be created with AWS IAM Role that has policy AmazonEC2ReadOnlyAccess. See AWS/EC2 User Guide for more info.
  2. Azure - To fetch resource tags for Virtual Machines, you need to grant Reader role to its Resource Group in Azure Resource Manager. See Access Azure Resource Manager API for more info.
  3. GCE - In GCE user-defined tags are called labels. To read labels, the instance needs roles/compute.viewer IAM role. See Granting Roles to Service Accounts for more info.

Cloud tags collection is enabled by default. To disable Cloud tags collection set cloud.metadata-enabled to false in /opt/spm/properties/st-agent.yml and restart Sematext Agent using sudo service sematext-agent restart.

Process Tags

Below are Process related tags sent as part of process info:

Tag Name Description Synonymous Tags Process/program name Process identifier
process.ppid Parent process identifier
process.type Process type. An example of a process type can be master or child for Node.js processes.

Network Traffic Stats Tags

Below are the tags sent as part of Network Traffic Status info:

Tag Name Description Synonymous Tags
network.address Local address of the network connection
network.destination.address Remote host address of the network connection
network.destination.port Remote port
network.protocol Protocol name (TCP or UDP)
network.outgoing Determines whether the connection is incoming (local process serves the connection) or outgoing (local process connects to remote server)

Container Tags

Below are container related tags sent as part of metrics/logs in the container environment:

Tag Name Description Synonymous Tags
container.type Type of container engine (e.g. docker, rkt, crio) Container name Container identifier Container image name
container.image.tag Container image tag
container.hostname Hostname of the container being monitored Hostname of the host where the container is running

Kubernetes Tags

Below are Kubernetes related tags sent as part of metrics/logs in the Kubernetes environment.

Tag Name Description Synonymous Tags Name of the kubernetes pod pod
kubernetes.pod.ip IP of the kubernetes pod
kubernetes.pod.uid Unique identifier of the kubernetes pod Node name where the pod is running Kubernetes cluster name Kubernetes deployment name
kubernetes.namespace Kubernetes namespace Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim name
kubernetes.pod.controlledby Controller of the pod (deployment or DaemonSet or StatefulSet)

Serverless Tags

Below are Serverless related tags sent as part of metrics/logs in the Serverless environment:

Tag Name Description Synonymous Tags Name of the Lambda function
function.version Version of the Lambda function Identifier of the invocation request

Synthetic Monitoring Tags

Below are tags sent as part of metrics in Sematext Synthetic Monitoring:

Tag Name Description Synonymous Tags Identifier of the Monitor Identifier of the Monitor run Identifier of the Monitor location
synthetics.content.type Type of the resource content
synthetics.domain The resource URL of the domain
synthetics.response.code The resource HTTP response status code

Other Special Tags

Below are tags that are reserved for future use:

Tag Name Description Synonymous Tags IP Address of the host/server server.ip, server.address, host.ip, host.address, source.ip, source.address Name of the service where the data is collected from Unique service identifier
service.type Service type e.g. hadoop Building block of a trace in distributed tracing Building block of a trace in distributed tracing

Events Tags

When you create an event you can send a JSON document which consists of multiple fields. Each field can contain event main information or metadata. Even though there is no strict format of such a JSON document we recommend to some of fields. An event can contain the following set of fields, most of which are optional:

Field Name Field Type Required Notes
timestamp date no Time when event happened (if not specified,current time will be assumed). The format is dateOptionalTime e.g.: 2014-02-17T21:37:04+0100 or2014-02-17T14:15:01.534471+02:00. string no Name of the host where the event has occurred.
type string yes Event type which could be e.g. alert, deployment, etc. Events are later grouped in timeline based on event type which significantly improves visibility.
message string yes Short description of event, e.g. Elasticsearch node03 on host somehost06 restarted. This is a default search field in Sematext UI, so it is good to keep it concise, but search-friendly. Data in this field can be stored in Markdown format to make your messages more pretty and easier to read. For more details see.
title string no Event title, can be used as a short label for event, e.g. Elasticsearch restart.
tags string array no Multivalued field. Each tag should be specified as aseparate array element e.g.,
"tags":[ "elasticsearch", "restart", "emergency fix"]
severity string no A single-valued field which says what kind of an event it is. It should have such values as error, info or warning and lets you easily navigate through important and less important events.
creator string no Person, application, or component that created an event. E.g. John Smith, Elasticsearch, Some Batch Job
data string no Additional event data. It can be anything you may find useful to have along inside of event object. E.g., it could be stacktrace in case of app_error event,base64 encoded content of file, etc.

Container Event Tags

Container events track the activities and changes happening within a Container environment.

Field Name Field Type Required Notes
title string no Short title for this event
message string no Human-readable description of the event string no Name of the container associated with the event string no ID of the container associated with the event
container.image string no The image used to create the container
container.object string no The object type associated with the event
container.from string no The parent image from which the container was created
container.status string no The status of the container associated with the event

Kubernetes Event Tags

Kubernetes events show what's happening inside a cluster, node, pod, or container.

Field Name Field Type Required Notes
title string no Short title for this event
message string no Human-readable description of the status of this operation
kubernetes.namespace string no Namespace of the resource that originated the event string no Name of the resource associated with this event string no The cluster name of the resource that originated the event
kubernetes.reason string no Reason for the transition into the object's current status
kubernetes.kind string no Identifier of Kubernetes resource
kubernetes.node string no Name of Kubelet node
tags []string no List of custom tags for Kubernetes event

When you ship events to Sematext Cloud, we recommend using the common fields listed in this page. This way you can easily correlate between your events, metrics and logs. For example, when you see CPU usage spikes or start seeing more error logs and you want to investigate it further. You can use Split Screen and load the Events in the right half of the screen and see if there was any deployment type of event that might be the cause of that spike. Or search for events that are shipped from a specific host that started using more resources than expected. This way you can pinpoint the source of the problems easily.


Sematext Cloud helps you manage your events better and distinguish between different kinds of events when you provide an event type. There are no limitations to the number of possible values of type field. To get the most value out of typed events we strongly suggest using a smaller number of distinct event types (1-10) to keep things manageable. Keeping the list of unique types concise help with faster navigation. Examples of recommended types: alert, server-info, deployment, infra, outage.

Note: when using curl to call the Events API, you may experience "SSL certificate problem" errors. The reason is that curl doesn't bundle any CA certs any more. For more info see this. Regardless of curl errors, HTTPS communication should be successful.

Example of well defined event

  "timestamp": "2024-05-30T09:58:43.455Z",
  "creator": "Jenkins",
  "": "jenkins-host",
  "title": "Starting deployment",
  "message": "Started deployment of Test v1.23 to production",
  "severity": "info",
  "type": "deployment",
  "tags": ["version:1.23", "env:prod"],

Markdown in events

Event message supports markdown.

An example below. Notice message field which contains a text formatted with Markdown.

  "title": "Hello Sematext",
  "message": "### Hello Sematext\nClick [link]( \"Sematext\") \n",
  "tags": ["msg", "env:dev"],
  "severity": "info"
