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Sematext Account Members

By inviting a user to your Account, you invite them to your whole account, so they get access to all your Apps, Dashboards, Notification Hooks, Alert Rules, and Integrations.

To share your Account with other users, go to the Team page on Sematext Cloud.

Accounts You Can Access

To see the list of all the accounts you can access click on the Accounts section.

Accounts You Can Access

If you have a pending invite, a red circle is displayed next to the Team menu item in the main navigation as well as next to the Accounts section.

Pending invites are in the Pending state and by clicking on the three dots(...) you will open the action menu that will give you options to Accept the invite, Accept and switch to that account or Decline the invite.

Accounts that you have access to are in the Active state and by clicking on the three dots(...) you will open the action menu that will give you an option to Leave that account.

You can switch between accounts from the menu in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Switch To Team Account Form