🐣Poultry Reading🐣

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Why Do Chickens Stop Laying Eggs?
Why aren’t your hens laying? 🐔🥚 From shorter days to molting and stress, several factors can affect egg production. Learn the common reasons and how to help your flock get back on track! #ChickenCare #EggLayingTips #BackyardChickens
How Long Do Chickens Sit On Eggs? Chickens for Beginners
How Long Do Chickens Sit On Eggs before they hatch? Find out all about naturally hatching baby chicks using broody chickens. No incubator necessary. Get all of your beginner chicken homesteading questions answered.
Top 3 Health Issues in Chickens + Simple Solutions 🐔✨
Keep your flock happy and healthy! Discover the top 3 chicken health issues—mites & lice, bumblefoot, and egg binding—and learn practical solutions to prevent and treat them. Perfect for backyard chicken owners! Enjoy this FREE printable poster for your family. Our outbound link takes you to our favorite family subscriptions! We are waiting on our link for First Saturday Lime. Hold tight for a coupon! 🐓🌿 #HealthyFlock #ChickenCare, #BackyardChickens, #ChickenHealth, #ChickenTips, #FarmLife
Dual-Purpose Chicken Breeds
Dual-purpose chicken breeds lay at least 200 eggs a year and will also provide enough meat to justify butchering surplus roosters or retired layers. Technically, dual-purpose simply means that they have two uses, but as chickens aren't the best cooks and can't drive the kids around, these two uses tend to be laying eggs and becoming Sunday roasts.
Pros and Cons of Keeping Guinea Fowls
So, are guineas what you’re after or not? Let’s sum up the plus points and the pitfalls of these poultry Pitbulls.