31 Pins
Adventures in ESL: A Podcast for K-12 ESL Teachers: EP 2: ESL Teacher Collaboration with Mainstream Teachers
ESL Teacher Collaboration with Mainstream Teachers
Narrative writing with ELLs
How can you support English learners in their development as writers? Check out my latest blog post!
How to Create Vocabulary Folders for MLs - A World of Language Learners
Learn how to make vocabulary folders. With a few simple materials you can quickly set up your own. These are great for ELLs. #aworldoflanguagelearners #esl #esol #ells #vocabularyactivities
My Favourite ELL Resources for Back to School
If you are looking for some engaging and valuable resources for your textbook-less ESL class or you wish to supplement your own materials, here is a list of my favourite teaching resources that I have successfully used for years in my secondary ESL class. However, some resources may be useful in both ESL and ELA classes. #secondaryclassroomdecor #differentiatedresources #ESL #ELA #tpt #backtoschoolresources #readingstrategies #writingskills #annotating #taskcards #versatileteachertoolkit #EFL
FREE List of ESL Scaffolds and Supports for Any Classroom with English Language Learners
Are you looking for ESL scaffolding to support your English language learners? Watch your ELLs learn and grow in any classroom! These support language acquisition in every language domains! They will improve in listening, reading, speaking, and writing! This pack includes sentence stems, words lists, question stems, and more! Support your ESL students with these supports to help them be successful in ANY classroom! Share these with your general education teachers, so they can support ELLs too! #eslteacher #eslstudents #ellstudents #leveledlearners #ellteacher #tesol
Best Textbooks for ESL Beginners in Middle and High School
Beginner ESL textbooks for middle and high school ESL/ELL students. List of dictionaries, textbooks and fun activities and games for beginner ESL/ELL students
Independent Activities for Newcomers
There are certain times during the school day, particularly during Language Arts, when students are working independently to build their reading and writing skills. So what meaningful activities can newcomers work on during this time? Here are 4 suggestions that beginning English learners can do , that require little to no support from the teacher.
Speaking Practice for ELLs
Summer speaking practice for ELLs and so much more. Check out the blog post for engaging ideas and teaching resources for speaking and writing activities for your ESL classroom.