State of the Birds

On Sept. 9, 23 conservation and governmental organizations, including the Smithsonian, released the most comprehensive report about bird populations in the U.S. The news was unsettling--birds are in trouble, but the report also shows that we can fix it. It many habitats where conservation efforts were made, bird populations have stabilized and rebounded. Read more at
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Alex Chang Blog – Your SUPER-powered WP Engine Blog
The good news/bad news for birds living in forrests #SOTB14
Alex Chang Blog – Your SUPER-powered WP Engine Blog
The good news/bad news for birds living in coastal areas #SOTB14
Our birds are in real trouble. Can we fix it? Yes we can!
The world we've created is a gauntlet of death for birds. This infographic, based on Smithsonian research included in the just released State of the Birds report, shows how our actions impact their population numbers. The report’s release coincides with the 100th anniversary of the death of “Martha” the last passenger pigeon, a species that once numbered in the billions but was hunted to extinction. #SOTB14
Alex Chang Blog – Your SUPER-powered WP Engine Blog
The good news/bad news for birds living in wetlands #SOTB14
Alex Chang Blog – Your SUPER-powered WP Engine Blog
The good news/bad news for birds living in aridlands & grasslands #SOTB14