Long earrings made with a 5 mm black Obsidian bead. and with a faceted black Obsidian teardrop bead with a gold plated frame. The hooks are stainless steel and hypoallergenic gold plated. Matching necklace: https://www.etsy.com/en/listing/1178892670/black-spinel-pendant-choker?click_key=3ce6aa27fb3b1a9435d69b51a520228c097816fb%3A1178892670&click_sum=2b6242d4&ref=shop_home_feat_2 💎M A T E R I A L E S The semi-precious Obsidian stone and metals used for the earrings are selected from a trusted su Obsidian Stone, Pendant Choker, Earrings Elegant, Teardrop Beads, Black Spinel, Black Obsidian, Earrings Black, Earrings Long, Black Earrings