Diabetic gastroparesis is a condition by which the food takes too long to empty from the stomach. It is a possible complication of diabetes, although other people can experience this condition without being diabetic. It's basically a type of neuropathy, otherwise known as nerve damage, which can also cause other secondary effects for diabetics. The Glomerular Filtration, Healthy Kidney Diet, Low Potassium Diet, Fruit For Diabetics, Kidney Friendly Diet, Higher Frequency, Normal Blood Sugar Level, Normal Blood Sugar, Healthy Kidneys

What Is Diabetic Gastroparesis? - Healthy Living

Diabetic gastroparesis is a condition by which the food takes too long to empty from the stomach. It is a possible complication of diabetes, although other people can experience this condition without being diabetic. It's basically a type of neuropathy, otherwise known as nerve damage, which can also cause other secondary effects for diabetics. The


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