Tequila Cocktails

These easy tequila cocktails are some of the best tequila drink recipes you can find. From simple two ingredient tequila recipes like tequila and sprite or tequila and apple juice to more elaborate margaritas. These fun tequila drinks are perfect for Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentines day and more.
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The Best Tequila drinks
These are some of the very best tequila drinks. Here you will find Easy Tequila mixed drinks. From fall tequila drinks to summer tequila drinks, summer tequila drinks to easter tequila drinks and more.
Tequila Cocktails for Summer & More
This tequila soda is just one of over 30 summer tequila cocktails, easter tequila cocktails, Valentines day tequila cocktails and more on this list. These easy tequila drinks are also great for parties. There are several simple big batch tequila cocktials on the list as well.
Big Batch Tequila Cocktails
This easy tequila punch is just one of many big batch tequila cocktails you can find here. These party cocktails with tequila are fun, fruity and easy to make. Some are tequila cocktails for weddings or birthday cocktails with tequila.
15+ Best Sodas to Mix with Tequila
Here you will find 15+ of the best sodas to mix with tequila. From orange soda and tequila to sprite and tequila and everything in between. These easy tequila mixers help you create simple 2 ingredient tequila cocktails quickly.
Tequila Cocktail Recipes
Here you will find over 30 easy tequila cocktail recipes. These cocktails with tequila are perfect for all seasons. There are summer tequila cocktail recipes, winter cocktail recipes with tequila, cocktail recipes with tequila for parties, fall tequila cocktail recipes and more.
Simple Tequila Cocktails
Here you will find many of the best simple tequila cocktilas like this espresso martini. Some are 3 ingredient tequila cocktails, easy tequila cocktails and more. Many of these tequila drink recipes can be made as a big batch for a crowd as well.
Easy Tequila Cocktails
Here you will find over 32 easy tequila cocktails for a crowd. From big batch tequila cocktails to easy 2 ingredient tequila cocktails and more. These easy tequila cocktail recipes also have 3 ingredient tequila cocktials included.
Easy Tequila Mixers
These 15+ Easy tequila mixers are sure to take your tequila cocktails to the next level. There are many 2 ingredient tequila drinks on this list from fruity flavors to bubbly sodas and more.
Tokyo Iced Tea
This tokyo iced tea is a bright green cocktail. The tokyo tea is great for parties with it's bright color. It's chock full of vodka, rum, tequila and more. It is a melon flavored spin on the classic Long Island Iced tea cocktail.
Tequila Punch Recipe
This easy tequila punch recipe is a perfect big batch cocktail or one to serve as an individual serving. Try this tequila punch for a crowd for a variety of different occasions. You can make a tequila party punch, tequila summer punch, tequila fall punch and more.
Mixers for Tequila
This tequila soda is just one of the good mixers for tequila on this list. These simple tequila mixers are all 2 ingredient tequila drinks that range from light to fruity and everything in between.
Tequila Apple Cider
This tequila apple cider recipe is an easy to make cocktail. A tequila apple cider cocktail is an easy tequila cocktail to make that is full of fall flavors. This is a light and refreshing drink.
15+ Sodas to Mix with Tequila
Ginger ale is one of many different sodas to mix with tequila. Tequila mixers can range from fruity to and everything in between. These sodas to mix with tequila create super simple 2 ingredient tequila mixed drinks that you are sure to love.
Cranberry Margarita
This cranberry margarita recipe is an easy tequila cocktail. This cranberry margarita on the rocks can be made by the pitcher if you are serving a crowd.
2 Ingredient Tequila Cocktails
Give a few of these easy 2 ingredient tequila cocktails a try. These 2 ingredient tequila drinks are fast and easy to make. Tequila is a neutral tasting liquor, so you can easily you it in a wide variety of sodas, juices and more. These are some of the best tequila mixers to try.