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38K views · 4.2K reactions | The BEST APFL hack: Pop this in the freezer for 30 minutes or so & it will be cold & chilly just like real snow! Add in your favorite scoops, cups, or plastic figures & you have yourself a perfect wintery wonderland, full of all the amazing sensory play benefits!❄️ Store in an airtight container for up to two weeks. Save or share with a friend & tag us if you try it!! We love playing alongside you all💙 You get to decide what is safe and manageable in your home. Always monitor young children. . . . #sensoryplay #sensoryplayideas #sensoryplaytime #sensorybin #sensoryplayideas #toddlermom #toddleractivities #toddleractivities #toddleractivitiesathome #playathome #busytoddler | A Play Filled Life
10K views · 91 reactions | Using a paintbrush is such an easy and creative way to support the sensory system and work on primitive reflexes! The soft, repetitive strokes provide gentle stimulation to the skin, which can help the brain better understand and respond to touch. For kids who are extra sensitive, this can gradually reduce their discomfort with certain textures or sensations. For those who need more activation, it helps wake up areas that aren’t as responsive. Plus, by pairing paintbrush strokes with specific movements or patterns, you can help calm the nervous system and encourage the integration of retained primitive reflexes. It’s a low-pressure, hands-on approach that feels more like play than therapy, making it perfect for home routines. | Dr. Conner Bor
389K views · 11K reactions | Игра «стройка» для земли смешать: Мука - 3 стакана Какао - 1 стакан Растительное масло - 1/2 стакана Добавить какие-нибудь маленькие машинки, строительные материалы и наслаждаться тишиной Сохраняйте идею✌🏼 | Рецепты для мам и малышей, полезно и по-бырику
39K views · 5.6K reactions | Sensory-seeking children may crave screen time at bed because they have difficulty turning off their brains and calming down. A liquid bubbler provides interesting visual input and offers a mesmerizing and calming experience. The slow movement of bubbles can help soothe and focus their attention, providing a more calming sensory input that might aid in winding down before sleep! These can be found on Amazon by searching “liquid bubbler”! 💚💚 | The Calm Caterpillar
103 reactions · 13 shares | فكرة جميييلة وسهلة التنفيذ لتزيين غرفة طفلك 😍😍 إيش رأيكم؟ .. #نصائح_ماماز #انشطة_ماماز .. ولاتنسوا تشاركوا البوست مع كل اللي تعرفوهم ولاتنسوا اللايك والمتابعة والحفظ 🌷 .. .. | ماماز - التعلم باللعب
27K views · 1.8K reactions | FAKE SNOW: easy & fun activity for kids ⛄️ you can make more “snow” by doubling or tripling the ingredients used ❄️ (2.5 cups baking soda, 1/2 cup white conditioner) you don’t need special conditioner for this, just has to be white…use the cheapest one! . add mini trucks & snow plows if you have a toy car loving kid 🚧 🚜 . . #toddleractivities #activitiesfortoddlers #activitiesforkids #sensoryplay #sensoryplayideas | Kristin Twomey ⭐️
14K views · 411 reactions | What is sensory play?! 🤔 My first experience with sensory play was through sensory bins, filled with painted pasta and chickpeas! Sensory bins are amazing for tactile input and developing fine motor skills, but I’ve learned there is so much more to sensory input! Sensory play involves any activity that stimulates a child’s senses—touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste—helping them explore and learn about the world around them. Not only does it support cognitive development and motor skills, but it can have a huge impact on emotional regulation! My daughter thrives on proprioceptive and vestibular activities like jumping, spinning, swinging, and crashing—which help her feel calm and regulated. Over time, I’ve discovered her unique sensory needs and preferences, enabling me to provide the tools and exercises that work best for her. I’m passionate about sharing what I’ve learned to help other parents and caregivers on this journey! Follow along at the @thecalmcaterpillar 🫶 | The Calm Caterpillar
188K views · 1.1K reactions | Colorful sensory activity for kids #mom #toddler #sensoryplay #kidsactivities | Liz & Jeff | Liz & Jeff · Original audio
22K views · 281 reactions | Why is messy play important in the early years? 🤔 | For messy play activities and ideas see our sensory play category here 👉🏻 Messy Play in the Early Years is a fun type... | By Twinkl for Private Early YearsFacebook