17 Pins
100 Years of Innovation – Celebrating the Work of Family-Owned S&A Stairs
It is something of a rarity to find an Australian design business that is 100 years old – even more so when that business is family owned and operated. But that is the story of Slattery & Acquroff Stairs, now in its fourth generation and celebrating the milestone of a century in business. #moderninteriors #timberdesign #custombuild #architecturelovers #dreamhouse #housegoals
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Какие профессии для аутстаффинга самые востребованные?
Industrial and Corporate Photography
Industrial and Corporate Photographer - Leeds Manchester UK
"Potrait Of Senior Man At Work" by Stocksy Contributor "Raymond Forbes LLC"
Senior Man Boss Smiling at indusrrial warehouse business location Senior Citizen Photography with Portraits, Lifestyle and Inspiration #Seniorlifestyle #activesenior #retirementphotography #seniorcitizenpeople #seniorcitizenportraits #seniorcitizenphotos #seniorcitizenphotoshoot #retired #beautifulseniorcitizen #bluecollar #seniorcitizenworking #boss #seniorcitizenboss #atwork #handsomeseniorcitizen #familyphoto #stocksy #stocksyunited
"Portrait Of A Male Factory Worker" by Stocksy Contributor "Walter And Deb Hodges Photography"