
189 Pins
This may contain: someone cutting out paper with scissors on top of a piece of yellow paper and the words homemade toys for kids as sheet of paper and a paper clip
Homemade toys for kids-A simple and fun toy can be made with a sheet of paper and a paper clip(glue)
Difficulty: Easy 1)a sheet of paper 2)a paper clip or glue
This may contain: two hands holding small red origami gift boxes with ribbon and bow on them
Easy Handbags Crafts for Kids to Make This Week
Fun & Cute Handbags Ideas for You - paper craft cards ideas
Tanzender Draht: Faszinierendes Experiment
Dieses einfache Experiment bringt eure Kinder sicher zum Staunen. Was ihr dafür braucht, wie es geht und warum der Draht tanzt, erklären wir im Betzold Blog >
Looks Like Hammer Throw Performance (Homopolar Motor)
Amazing!! 【乾電池がハンマー投げをする驚きの映像】