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Expressions in Arabic - I am drinking a cup of water = أنا أشرب كوبا من الماء
🌟 Learn Arabic & Qur'an online 🌟 Al-Andalus Academy for Arabic & Qur'an online studies Enjoy learning Arabic & Qur'an in a different, simple, and professional way ✅
Arabic question tools, learning Arabic, أدوات الإستفهام
I'm Eman, I'm an Arabic and Qur'an teacher. I teach kids, women and men. If you want to lrean in easy way just connect me WhatsApp +967 734 970 570
✅ Word & Sentence in Arabic The student passed the test = اجتاز الطالب الاختبار
Similar words in Arabic - he wrote = كتب / he lied = كذب
🌟 Learn Arabic & Qur'an online 🌟 Al-Andalus Academy for Arabic & Qur'an online studies Enjoy learning Arabic & Qur'an in a different, simple, and professional way ✅
The difference between he went & he came back in Arabic = ذهب / عاد
Word & Sentence in Arabic - My house is close to school = منزلي قريب من المدرسة